Serbia vs. Iraq: You're kidding, right?

Or what if it was just a simple statement of "I made a mistake, but have corrected it"...demonstrates honesty and integrity right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.... are you actually referencing admitting that "I was wrong, I'm sorry, let's find a way to solve this problem" in reference to the Bush administration are you?? Are you serious?? These guys have never admitted to the plethora of mistakes and bungles that they have made (whether intentionally or not) in their four-year term.

Changing your tune to look good politically does not constitute admitting you made a mistake. Its called lying. Sure, a lotta politicians do (and have done) it, but that doesn't change what it is.

Also, to note, whenever I have lied I was full well aware that what I was doing was morally deceitful. I didn't create any fantasies that what I was doing was "socially justified" or for a more important cause (which lies sometimes are, but neither mine nor Bush's were).

Also, the argument that "well, everyone else has done it!" is the most slippery slope of a moral argument that you can ever put forth. Lying is lying is lying --- especially in regards to dishing out justifications for a war.

I could maybe buy the "taken out of context" argument for some things, but not when it was directly applied to arguments that launched our country into a war and resulted in the deaths of over one thousand American citizens. Contextualist, yes. Relativist, no.

loki, it's really amazing to me that you had to post an entire page of excuses to tell us that when the Vice President of the United States of America said "this," he REALLY meant "that." I think the VP is perfectly capable of saying exactly what he means to say without you or anyone else having to explain what he REALLY meant.

Cheney is a shrewd and accomplished liar. He looks the American public straight in the eye, and lies unapologetically. It's not "context," or "spinning off" something. It's lying.

Imagine if my kid came to me and said, "I did all my homework." Then I find out that he DIDN'T do his homework, so I confront him. He says, "Well, I MEANT that I did all of last week's homework," or "I meant that I did all my English homework...I didn't know you were refering to all my other homework, too," or "Well, you said 'homework'...but in Spanish class, we call it tareas, so I didn't know what you were talking about." It's a lie. I wouldn't excuse it in my kid, I certainly don't excuse Mr. Cheney, who lies constantly.

As I've said before, vote for whomever you want. BUt it doesn't change the fact that this administration lies incessantly, accepts responsibility for nothing, admits no mistakes ever, and will say or do ANYTHING to accomplish its aim.

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