I plan on attending a seminar (filipino martial arts) this june and was wondering about how to go about getting the most out of it. Here's my plan so far- I've ordered some books about the system, posted on the host schools website forum to try to get to know some people and a little more about things. I plan on calling up the host school, asking what I need to bring, and I also plan on taking a notebook and writing down my observations right after the seminar as well as practicing what I've learned back at the motel right afterward. Any other suggestions?
Sounds like you're off to a good start already. A few suggestions:
1) As soon as possible, re-write your notes. There is usually not much time to write anything too in-depth during the seminar, otherwise you're going to miss something. If you write something down and don't elaborate later, you may, like I usually do, find yourself wondering what it was exactly that you were trying to write.
2) If its possible, set up a video camera in your room and tape the material. A visual aid is always a plus.
3) Don't worry about trying to remember every single thing, due to the fact that so much info. will be provided, you probably won't retain it all. I've gone to many camps and seminars, and its usually a blur. I pick a handful of things and drill the hell out of them. If I go with someone else, it usually works out good, because between the both of us, we can usually recall and help each other remember quite a bit.
4) Last but not least, and certainly, IMO, the most important thing....keep an open mind and have fun.

Seminars are a great opportunity to experience a new art and meet new people.
Have a good time!