Seminars and Tournaments


Purple Belt
Hi, I have a WTF Taekwondo school near Toronto Canada. We are about an hour and a half from Buffalo and 2 and a half from Detroit.

We are hoping to find a club to interact with for seminars and small meet (tournaments) to help build our club etc. We have affiliation with a provincial body, here but would like to expand our horizons. It would be good for techique exchange as well.

I'm a 4th Dan and have other black belts and students that would be interested. Anyone, no matter what their rank is invited to reply.


Master Wright
Master Wright,

Calling Master Miles, Calling Master Miles,

Until Master Miles responds, here are people in the Michigan area who could be resources. Master Miles, Master Kil, Master Rose, Master Southwick and Master Shinn.

If your up for a road trip every once a while you could consider Indianapolis with Masters Cooley and Laureen.

Hope it helps.
Thanks Joe for waking me up! :)


I'm in Metro-Detroit.

If you PM me with your email info, I can notify you if we are having a seminar. We just had GM Park, Hae Man do a Poomsae Seminar which was fantastic.

If you are willing to travel another 2.5 hrs, a friend will be hosting Prof Jung (88 Olympic gold medalist) in December. I'll be posting that info when I get it.

The details have not been finalized yet, but I'll be hosting the Michigan Sport TKD workout in January-1/17/09. We will have Competition Poomsae training from 10am to Noon for Black Belts only (conducted by US World Poomsae Team member MSUTKD) and Sparring training from Noon to 2pm.
Thanks BB TX, I appreciate your help. Seems that we spend more time stateside for vacations, buying equipment and even awards for our tournament.

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