Only sanctioned MA tournaments in Ontario Canada

Hi Dusty, this page has a lot of the tournaments that you might go to like Army Rizzo's, click details and it will show that they have been sanctioned.

Thank you for the information sir. i do indeed attend Armie's tournament as well as the bulk of the other ones on that page. However, under sanctioning, the only thing listed is the tournament promoters name. How this is considered 'sanctioning' i dont know. With the OTA, they can tell their members that jimmybobs tournament down the road is not sanctioned by the OTA so therefore, they dont reccomend it to their members (of which i do recall that happening last year), however, beyond that, i am not aware of any legal proceedings against tournament promoters. i do know a few years ago Matt Perrins and Neil Bishop used to put on the Battle of Stoney Creek and they offered a decent cash prize for the black belt fighting winners and the promoters had a hefty fine levied against them. Because of that, they no longer host the tournament.
I do feel that in my very humble opinion because of the people that run the Ontario Athletics Commision, people like Ken Hayashi, we are still in the dark ages when it comes to martial arts competition. The rest of Canada is finally starting to allow combat sport competition, but not this man!! Its disgraceful!!
Dusty, kj
i do know a few years ago Matt Perrins and Neil Bishop used to put on the Battle of Stoney Creek and they offered a decent cash prize for the black belt fighting winners and the promoters had a hefty fine levied against them. Because of that, they no longer host the tournament.
I do feel that in my very humble opinion because of the people that run the Ontario Athletics Commision, people like Ken Hayashi, we are still in the dark ages when it comes to martial arts competition. The rest of Canada is finally starting to allow combat sport competition, but not this man!! Its disgraceful!!
Dusty, kj
Maybe we should start a petition to fight for our rights, so to speak. Dress-up like trophys and stand on the hill at Queens park, sparring with each other until the gestapo comes.

It's difficult to try and promote TKD and fitness in general. I think I pointed out before that some of my best competitors don't have a lot of money. Now, the only tournaments that they can attend cost more.
Hi Terry, The government has a lot of power, here. UFC is not allowed either in our State/Province. This law was passed down by our ministry of health and promotion. All Karate,Ju Jitsu or any martial arts federations need to go this way.

It would save money paid out for our health insurance, which is taken from our unusually high taxes.

Aside from that I think that some decisions (here) are not made by the right people. Most lawyers don't know as much about Taekwondo and these sports as perhaps the Coaches and Trainers.

Does it have to be a Canadian organization or could an American martial art organization sanction events?
Does it have to be a Canadian organization or could an American martial art organization sanction events?

Has to be a Canadian organization, one specifically recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Health.