Self defense is one of the handful of reasons people commonly give as their reason for studying martial arts, but there doesn't seem to be any standard way different MAs, or even different schools within the same MA, approach instruction in self defense as part of their curriculum. There are any number of ways it could be taughtas an add-on to kata/hyung/pattern performance and kihon line drills, or in lockstep with kata/etc. instruction, teaching careful, realistic kata bunkai along with the kata and drilling the use of these bunkai, or any number of ther ways; it can be most of a curriculum or only a (possibly small) part of it; it can be taught to white belts on day one in a suitably basic way, or held in reserve till middle colored belt level... all kinds of combinations of when and how are imaginable. I'm wondering what people's experiences have been, so far as `when' and `how' go, either as students or instructors (or both), and any ideas you have about the optimal way to teach it.