Self defense in the street


White Belt
Hi everyone,

I am new to this communauty and you guys seem already awesome. However, I need your advice.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a new product called "The Art of Kenpo Karate: Basic Self Defense," and want to make sure that I don't leave anything out.

So, will you let me know your biggest question about self defense in the street? It could be anything... even if you think it's silly.

It exchange for your advice, if you also leave your email address, I'll send you a free copy of the product before we release it to the market. (Should be ready in a few weeks.)

You can answer it here in the thread or simply at:

I'm looking forward to talk more with you guys,
How about:

What is the most common street attack?

Why does it happen?

Who is it directed at?

Given those answers, how do I avoid those attacks, before the whole grabby, punchy, kicky thing?

What are the psychological aspects involved in the attack that determine the nature and severity of the attack?

What is the responsibility of the defender to use appropriate force?

What is appropriate force?

Does this differ based on where I live?

What is deadly force and when is it appropriate?

How does training change the way you respond to an attack?
+1 to everything Blindside said!


What makes you a target?

Fight or Flee, how do you judge the best response?

How important are the first two seconds in any fight?

What is the flinch response? How do you control it/train it and how do you use it?

What are my opponent's strengths and subsequently can I see any weaknesses?

What are my surroundings and do they limit or restrict my movement?

Is the opponent armed?

I'm sure there's plenty of others too but those should give you a good start. Do send me a copy of this program you're putting together, i'd be interested in giving this a read. Send me a PM for my email address.
How do I keep from confrontations?

What signs should I be aware of in other people to avoid confrontation?

What are the most effective ways to end a confrontation?

What are the most common falasies regarding self-defense?
Oh! And...

What do the laws in my area state?

Every area/town/state etc can have different laws. In Victoria, Australia there's a new thing now where if you are caught carrying weapons without a lawful purpose, there is a $1000 on the spot fine and the possibility of a lot more if it's a repeat thing or if you have any priors.

I quote the posters that are up advertising this law: "Self defence is not a lawful excuse"

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