We have trained seated in a chair, a non-moveable bench, kneeling and lying on the floor. I really enjoy doing that sort of situational training. Where we train we have a cafe next to us (it is closed when we train). We use a table and chair sometimes to go through various types of attacks. We will work punches, chokes, knife attacks, etc.
Another scenario that came up with the table which I thought was kind of awkward at first was the attacker is sitting at your table either across from you or maybe closer and attacks with a knife or tries to slug you suddenly for some reason or other.
From lying on the floor we have trained against kicks and stomps as well.
It's all the same!
Another scenario that came up with the table which I thought was kind of awkward at first was the attacker is sitting at your table either across from you or maybe closer and attacks with a knife or tries to slug you suddenly for some reason or other.
From lying on the floor we have trained against kicks and stomps as well.
It's all the same!