Self Defense From A Seated Position

We have trained seated in a chair, a non-moveable bench, kneeling and lying on the floor. I really enjoy doing that sort of situational training. Where we train we have a cafe next to us (it is closed when we train). We use a table and chair sometimes to go through various types of attacks. We will work punches, chokes, knife attacks, etc.

Another scenario that came up with the table which I thought was kind of awkward at first was the attacker is sitting at your table either across from you or maybe closer and attacks with a knife or tries to slug you suddenly for some reason or other.

From lying on the floor we have trained against kicks and stomps as well.

It's all the same! :p
I feel that the back fist is a very good hand move if done with a lot of snap. It can be used front, side or to the rear, sitting or standing. People sometimes think they have an advantage over you if they are standing and you are sitting so they get very close and stand over you. Food for thought "if you don't see it coming you can't block it anyway".
I have a saying I use in self defense classes that goes like this. When you get into your car defensive driving should be used , when you go out into life donÂ’t leave your awareness at the door, we all could use a little defensive living.
My outlook is that you are braced when sitting but not as able to throw your weight. I look at it as using muscular force over kinetic energy. Like the difference between breaking bricks and boards.
My outlook is that you are braced when sitting but not as able to throw your weight. I look at it as using muscular force over kinetic energy. Like the difference between breaking bricks and boards.

If you change your perspective a little, and instead of being braced think of it as being grounded in a different position, a whole new world of possibilities open to you, you lose some linear movement and it has to become more circular. You push off from your hips instead of your feet, it's very interesting to experiment with.

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