Ahhhhhh, that explains it!!! To be honest I love the way everyone writes, everyone's got their own distinct style hehe. And approaches too!
@Kung Fu Wang and his lovely sequential lists, dot points, and cool strange training method videos.
@jobo with his stylised, uniquely spelled words, and commas where you wouldn't expect!
@Headhunter and his straight-talkin' ways with sometimes no need for full stops, nothing wrong with that!
@gpseymour with his rational discussion and great sense of humour.
@JR 137 with his honesty and cool stories.
@drop bear and his short, to the point answers (and cheekiness).
@Tez3 and her British humour.
@Buka with his warm kindheartedness, and always willing to welcome new people to the forum.
@Xue Sheng and his hilarious almost talking to himself dialogue (love it).
Me with my constantly starting a post with 'Ah..'.
There are so many more, but just something I admire about everyone XD