Self-confidence problem

Hello, Please ask anytime you do not understand...because many times the questions does help everyone else too...

Many Sensis/ Instructors like to have people asking questions...shows you want to learn...lets the Teacher know...they need to be explicit...Helps them in learning to teach better...

You are there to learn....asking questions is a good feedback to both parties.. start learning, is to ask questions...and years later...most of us are still asking questions....

Aloha, ..when is the next high tide? ...going fishing...
Guess what, everyone is going to make mistakes and sometimes have difficulty understanding things. Everything that you learn in the beginning should be explained till you have a firm understanding, it is the base of all your future knowledge. By your asking a question, even though it may seem simple, it can be some one Else's a-ha moment. Confidence will come with experience. Shoot I remember the first time I took a TKD class, they were doing blocks and I looked like I was swatting flies. That has been almost 8 years ago. Even after training for 8 years I still have my swatting fly moments!!!!

Actually, its not that i dont feel comfortable with the coach explaining it to me over again.
Its just that i dont feel convenient with all the other trainers having to watch it again instead of start practicing.

The coach usually repeats every move twice, but the thing is that he does it very quickly, he doesnt stress each part of the move so it sometimes seems to me just like throwing legs and fists to the air.

As an instructor, I've discovered that for every person who asks one question, there are 3 more who wanted to ask but were afraid to look stupid, 2 who never would have come up with the question on their own, and one person who thinks they know everything and never need to ask questions who gets annoyed when questions are asked (but REALLY needs to hear both the question or the answer because he's been doing it wrong all along).

That's why I welcome questions, because I get to help 7 people because of the bravery of one.