Let me start by saying that there are different levels of self defense.
First is the level of being able to 'handle one's self' when confronted by Joe average punk. This is what 90% of those seeking SD are looking for.
Secondly, there are those who feel that what they see in the UFC is more 'self defense' than what they see in the typical 'karate school'.
Thirdly, there is military self defense training, which I see advertised heavily in magazines, but which few people actually have in any degree of abundance. True military training is not always fully applicable on the street; true military self defense does not need to concern itself with civilian law enforcement after the defender has neutralized the attacker.
Lastly, there are those who understand that self defense encompasses potential encounters with the Joe-average punk, hardened ex-cons, and people who seriously intend to do you harm and even kill you, and that in spite of being the victim, one must defend in such a way as to also prevail against potential legal hassles.
A proficient WTF practitioner will neatly fit into category one. Which is fine for 90% of those seeking 'self defense', as most people seeking self defense really just mean that they want to be able to fight, having little clue as to all that true self defense encompasses.
We offer hapkido for those who want a more self defense oriented cirriculum, as hapkido provides a much broader range of defense techniques than WTF/KKW style TKD does. At one point, we were doing combination classes, and even further back, Tuesday nights were 'self defense' night, which worked in a nice mix of easily mastered techniques, breakfalls, and some blocks, kicks and punches.
But for true self defense, a whole set of skills are needed that have nothing to do with fighting. Things like awareness of your surroundings, how to carry yourself, reading the body language of someone who confronts you, assessing threat level and such.
I think that very few schools teach this on any real level, and yet these non-martial skills are more vital to self defense than the martial skills that enable a civilian to survive day in and day out. Ever notice how some people seem to be magnets for confrontation and others don't?
I do believe that local police departments and community centers offer seminars in self defense that focus on the awareness and not making yourself a target issues, but very few people who seek out 'self defense' avail themselves of these resources.