Scorn, intolerance and graciousnesss.

Um...Tez....I think that may be on a different forum. :uhyeah:


Oh dear that's a typo and a half!! Stac3y dear, thanks for picking it up that way, you have made me laugh till I have tears in my eyes. I'll have to leave it in now though!!

Ah I needed a laugh!

Oh dear that's a typo and a half!! Stac3y dear, thanks for picking it up that way, you have made me laugh till I have tears in my eyes. I'll have to leave it in now though!!

Ah I needed a laugh!
At least now we know why you're generally in a good mood! ;)
I'm certainly not blameless in this regard. Someone made a crappy comment and posted a nasty video, and I was offended. I reported it, but I just couldn't leave it alone. I offered a snide reply. Although I still feel the same way I did then, I regret taking that last potshot. I am now a little more careful about examining my feelings with respect to my posts. Live and learn.
I blame that Daylight Saving time and the "eternal darkness" mood it leaves us in over here (I leave for work, it's dark, I come home, it's dark.

That and I blame that hippity hop music.
I've been around the MT block for a while and the forum tends to blow up and die off and it's threads like these that center people and remind them of the humanity behind the computers. Thanks Tez3.

With Aloha...
I'm certainly not blameless in this regard. Someone made a crappy comment and posted a nasty video, and I was offended. I reported it, but I just couldn't leave it alone. I offered a snide reply. Although I still feel the same way I did then, I regret taking that last potshot. I am now a little more careful about examining my feelings with respect to my posts. Live and learn.

It's not these type of posts I mean really, we can read these and realise it was done in the heat of a passionate thought ( I know! I am now being very careful what I type lol that one's a double entendre, I'm very fond of them!) it's the deliberate, snide 'smart alec' comments that really annoy me. The ones that are made deliberately to be demeaning or scornful usually without any accompanying arguments.
It's not these type of posts I mean really, we can read these and realise it was done in the heat of a passionate thought ( I know! I am now being very careful what I type lol that one's a double entendre, I'm very fond of them!) it's the deliberate, snide 'smart alec' comments that really annoy me. The ones that are made deliberately to be demeaning or scornful usually without any accompanying arguments.
Whatever. Like your opinion matters to anyone! :barf:

:) :) :)
I do it because I hate you all.



Uh oh, does that make my post hate speech? ;P
LOL. As hateful as my last post. Actually, I was going for more of a snide, demeaning and scornful post. Not sure if I nailed it, though. Was the pukey emoticon too much? :D