Scooby Doo - The Real Mysteries

Bob Hubbard

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Watching a few thousand hours of a show makes one wonder about certain plot points that are never addressed.

1- How can they afford to do this?
They travel all over the world, hauling their van with them, yet none appear to have any source of income. In fact, the few times they are faced with great wealth, they give it away! Who funds these adventures? Shaggy alone appears to eat the equivilent of a months groceries for a small restaurant. Even adjusted for 60's prices that's still a small fortune.

2- Who authorized them to do this?
What police force has world wide authority? None. Yet The Scooby Gang solves mysteries and crimes all over the world, and almost always gets an attaboy from local law enforcement. I highly doubt my local police would welcome a group of amateurs getting involved in things.

3- Why haven't they been sued or arrested?
Lets see, Fred makes a trap, bad guy gets bounced around a bit, tangled in a barrel, and held against his will until the cops arrive. Isn't that assault? Kidnapping? Unlawful Imprisonment?

4- Breaking and Entering? Trespassing? Theft? Destruction of Property?
Each episode shows the gang wandering around a castle, house, building, town etc. They enter buildings at will, often going through unlocked upper floor windows, picking locks, or just breaking down a door. Rarely are they invited in. Most episodes show Shaggy and Scooby finding a cache of food and wolfing it down with abandon. Most episodes also show doors, furniture, armour, paintings, vases, and more being broken as a result of the gangs exploration. Yet you never see them hauled out and punished for all this "mystery solving".

Scooby Doo is Evil.
Just say "Rooooo!"
And, very often, the "cases" they investigate and turn over to the local authorities aren't criminal, either. It's not criminal to scare people out of a house for an inheritance... At best, it's civil.

And "Scooby Snacks"? What the hell is in those things? Somehow, I suspect the Surgeon General wouldn't approve, given the way that both Shaggy & Scooby respond to 'em!

(Of course, there's also the mystery of why you've watched 1000s of hours as an adult... or why we're putting this much thought into it!)
It's called "There aint nothing on tv I want to watch, toss in dvd and let it loop til I'm sick of it" LOL!
They're always called kids by the criminals they catch. How old exactly are they? If they're in high school then they are too young to be going around on their own like that.
College drop outs? I mean, they are old enough to drive and travel internationally without escorts.

Considering Shaggy seems to always be stoned...I wonder.....drug smugglers?
Watching a few thousand hours of a show makes one wonder about certain plot points that are never addressed.

1- How can they afford to do this?
They travel all over the world, hauling their van with them, yet none appear to have any source of income. In fact, the few times they are faced with great wealth, they give it away! Who funds these adventures? Shaggy alone appears to eat the equivilent of a months groceries for a small restaurant. Even adjusted for 60's prices that's still a small fortune.

Fred is obviously living off his parent's money. The ascot is the clue. Who else but a rich kid would wear one of THOSE? Ditto for Daphne. Velma has a government grant to investigate paranormal phenomena.

Yea, Shag is probably peddling a bit o' weed on the side.

2- Who authorized them to do this?
What police force has world wide authority? None. Yet The Scooby Gang solves mysteries and crimes all over the world, and almost always gets an attaboy from local law enforcement. I highly doubt my local police would welcome a group of amateurs getting involved in things.

Private investigators. Granted, most PIs don't get as warm of a reception as this gang, but then most don't have a member that looks like Daphne, either.

3- Why haven't they been sued or arrested?
Lets see, Fred makes a trap, bad guy gets bounced around a bit, tangled in a barrel, and held against his will until the cops arrive. Isn't that assault? Kidnapping? Unlawful Imprisonment?

It's called a "citizens arrest."

4- Breaking and Entering? Trespassing? Theft? Destruction of Property?
Each episode shows the gang wandering around a castle, house, building, town etc. They enter buildings at will, often going through unlocked upper floor windows, picking locks, or just breaking down a door. Rarely are they invited in. Most episodes show Shaggy and Scooby finding a cache of food and wolfing it down with abandon. Most episodes also show doors, furniture, armour, paintings, vases, and more being broken as a result of the gangs exploration. Yet you never see them hauled out and punished for all this "mystery solving".

Scooby Doo is Evil.
Just say "Rooooo!"

I'm sure Fred's dad bails them out of what Daphne's flirting can't.

How could you not know this stuff? :)
^^Ooh you are close!!! haha

Ah see not a lot of people know the backstory. Fred was a trust-fund kid whose father was an eccentric gigolo that defrauded English dames out of their estates. As a condition of Fred's inheritance his despotic father forced him to wear a queer neckerchief and "camp up" like the lovely emancipated boys of the 1950s like forever. Shaggy [aka Dutch Cafe Saul] made his fame taking down opium convoys trying to make the French connection. Educated at Bullshido Uni he is versed in twenty kinds of mythical l3th4l fig6hting 4rts [including Stoned Monkey Boxing and the dark art of the smokescreen]. Poor Daphne was an unwitting hostage of "Shaggy" overcome by Stockholm syndrome so succumbing to a misplaced and oddly incongruous gang loyalty [read, gratuitous afterthought haha]. Velma got her implausible spectacles from the same surgeon that performed illegal surgery on Riddick. She gained perfect X-Ray vision, and thus employed in card sharping nigh emptied the grand casino Caesar's Palace in Vegas. Make no mistake, they are all monied. Scooby the talking dog is alas another of Nixon's failed CIA experiments to infiltrate Brezhnev's inner circle [the Scooby hound being his favoured companion since that unpleasant thing with the, um, thing..]. Savvy? Ahh though even that is facadery!! For yes, this entire menage are minions of none other than.. gasp.. the Illuminati! **minor key dun dun dun!** haha oh man I really think I should get back on my tablets pffft.. Yes Jenna back in your box there is a good girl..
I'm picturing Shaggy doing Iron Stomach Kung Fu. LOL

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