Schrade knives, how is the quality?

If you aren't in love with it, and you have questions on the quality, why bother? It's quite obviously your call, but I'd probably pass in your shoes.

I just tell people it is a boy thing. It is kind of cool to own a honking big knife for when the zombies come.

Kabar becker bk 10?

Honestly, I have no need or immediate use for it. It just caught my eye. The shop owner was presenting it as a "hunting" knife and I guess it could be that. It could also be a fighting knife, it's a fairly large fixed blade. But I do like knives and swords and tomahawks and such, just a personal interest.

Here's a guide I've always found useful for the hunting vs fighting knife in this style.
If the point is in line for a thrust, it's a fighting knife.

If it's above the thrust-line, it's a hunter.

If it's below, it's just stupid.

This is key, because as messy as slashes are, thrusts are far, far more deadly.
I just tell people it is a boy thing.

I don't disagree, but why not just wait and use the 80 bucks to get something you are sure you like rather than some random knife you are wishy washy on? I own several knives and have a matched set on the way, so I am on board with that for sure, but I hate the idea of spending the money on a knife that I am pretty sure I am not going to like. I have done that once, and it is sitting in a bag somewhere collecting dust. Waste of money.
I don't disagree, but why not just wait and use the 80 bucks to get something you are sure you like rather than some random knife you are wishy washy on? I own several knives and have a matched set on the way, so I am on board with that for sure, but I hate the idea of spending the money on a knife that I am pretty sure I am not going to like. I have done that once, and it is sitting in a bag somewhere collecting dust. Waste of money.

Yeah. Been there myself. On the plus side people are making good quality fun knives for not that much at the moment. So if i buy a knife based on fun it isn't as bad a deal as it could have been.

But then i bought the rambo knife as a kid.
Condor primitive bush knife.
Yeah. Been there myself. On the plus side people are making good quality fun knives for not that much at the moment. So if i buy a knife based on fun it isn't as bad a deal as it could have been.

But then i bought the rambo knife as a kid.
Condor primitive bush knife.

I don't know what the intended purpose of a "bush knife" is, but this picture seems to be an example of what I referred to in an earlier post as "just stupid" - the point is (or appears to be in this picture) too low, which makes it off-line for a thrust, and shortens the belly of the blade, which makes it less effective as a skinner/hunting knife.
I've been looking thru the Benchmade options, definitely some nice pieces there, also in a higher price range overall. For a well made, strong, high quality knife, I think their price range makes sense. Definitely not a throwaway piece, tho, would not wish to lose one, at $160 - $230 range.

To go higher than that, once you get into the $300 - $1000 and up, that just becomes more of a collector piece in my opinion, and not something i would ever be likely to use for fear of losing or damaging it.
I don't know what the intended purpose of a "bush knife" is, but this picture seems to be an example of what I referred to in an earlier post as "just stupid" - the point is (or appears to be in this picture) too low, which makes it off-line for a thrust, and shortens the belly of the blade, which makes it less effective as a skinner/hunting knife.

a guy called mat graham designed it as an all purpose bush knife. I think it leans more towards wood processing than skinning. It has some fun concepts.

The tip is designed to make divets for a fire drill.

but it is kind of a barong shape. Or a seax depending on where you hale from.

ontario rat 5.
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Anyone have any thoughts on Columbia River Knife and Tool? My mother-in-law gave me a small folder as a xmas gift, it seems nice but was unexpected. I don't know anything about the company.
They're another good for the price, daily carry type of knife. I've got a couple of theirs, and I keep one in my toolbox.
I don't know what the intended purpose of a "bush knife" is, but this picture seems to be an example of what I referred to in an earlier post as "just stupid" - the point is (or appears to be in this picture) too low, which makes it off-line for a thrust, and shortens the belly of the blade, which makes it less effective as a skinner/hunting knife.
Makes a good camp knife. Good chopper, wood processing/feathering, is light weight and sharpens easily.
It really depends on what is the tools major job.
Anyone have any thoughts on Columbia River Knife and Tool? My mother-in-law gave me a small folder as a xmas gift, it seems nice but was unexpected. I don't know anything about the company.
Overall their products are good. Relative low cost for what you get.
Anyone have any thoughts on Columbia River Knife and Tool? My mother-in-law gave me a small folder as a xmas gift, it seems nice but was unexpected. I don't know anything about the company.

Nothing wrong with them from what I have seen, but to be fair, I don't have a ton of personal experience. I'm more of a Spyderco guy when it comes to folders.

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