saying goodbye to my old belt


Senior Master
Monday night when I recieved my new black belt I was exited, I took off my old (still in good shape, only the lettering is fading away) belt, kiss it and then put it away inside my closet.

I know I will miss my old belt, it was my companion in the good moments and in the bad moments, maybe I will give it to my youngest daugther if she decides to continue the way that has enriched her father.

Do you had the same feelings when put away your first BB?

Still have those fellings and I still have all my belts, thank god for a great mother who kept everything.
I have some vague plans for enshrining my brown belt this November (I test in August, but the black belt ceremony is in November.) I've had to sew the edges back together several times, and it's definitely not the same shade of brown it was when I got it. I will definitely miss it, but I'm looking forward to wearing out my next one, too.
Yes, I've had a hard time retiring some of my belts. I changed schools way back when, so I had to leave behind my favorite belt with that school's name on it. When I tested for 3rd Dan, I just sent my 2nd Dan belt back to Eosin Panther to add another stripe. That way, I've been able to wear that one a few more years.
It's nice we share the same feelings for our used belts, I thought you would tag me like someone super sentimental about things like this but my old black belt has a very beautiful story (that I could share if you want to) so I have strong feelings about it.

I would love Ana (my youngest daughter) retake her TKD clases and see her achieve BB status to give her my fisrth black belt to her to use it, but Ana is too young and does not care for TKD, she's doing some racetrak training and she's happy with it, but who knows??? maybe a grandson of mine will be a martial artist and then the legaly can continue.

I will order to eosin panther another BB, but don't know if order it with my fullname in korean and the name of my organizacion or just order a plane simple black belt because I want to have a plane wahite gi with a plane black belt for another matters not only TKD.

I have all of my old belts too. Even my color belts. My 3 year old uses my old orange belt as she likes the color and feels that she is just like Dad and sibblings.
I am hoping to continue to wear my black belt for as long as I train but Im sure at some point it will fall apart. Id say I will continue wearing it until it is no longer able to be tied around my waist. Im curious, how long have you guys got out of your black belts before they fall apart and just need replacing?
I am hoping to continue to wear my black belt for as long as I train but Im sure at some point it will fall apart. Id say I will continue wearing it until it is no longer able to be tied around my waist. Im curious, how long have you guys got out of your black belts before they fall apart and just need replacing?

I've got my bb back in 1985 I guess and sat inside the drawer of my closet till 1987 (when I become a BB) and since then it was on my waist till last monday, this belt is in pretty good shape but lettering but it's still black (not decolored).

Oknow that some kenpo masters like Skip Hanckok wears the same black belt since the begining till the belt falls apart, the same their gi's. In Kenpo a well used (soemtimes raged) belt and gi it's sinonimus of good hard work tru the years.

Right now I have three black belts, the one I got last monday wich says my name in spanish on one side and in the other side Hwarang Tae Kwon Do Mexico in korean, this is my TKD belt, my old BB that has my name in spanish and the korean lettering fading away that maybe I will use it for other things but TKD inside my organization, and a spare plain black belt.

And yes I want an eosing panther black belt but this is for show only jejejeje and because I would like to have one.

Manny, in the other thread, you said your new belt is 3 inches? That is pretty wide!

I have my original black belt from 1979. It was rarely worn since it was the "ceremonial" belt having "MILES" on one side and Taekwondo in Hangul on the other (we also got a plain work-out belt which everyone wore except for tournaments/demos/tests). It is a Bear brand belt. I have it stored in the basement. I would have loved to award this to my kids but neither shows any interest in TKD anymore. I never wear it (it is a size too small) but won't get rid of it.
Manny, in the other thread, you said your new belt is 3 inches? That is pretty wide!

I have my original black belt from 1979. It was rarely worn since it was the "ceremonial" belt having "MILES" on one side and Taekwondo in Hangul on the other (we also got a plain work-out belt which everyone wore except for tournaments/demos/tests). It is a Bear brand belt. I have it stored in the basement. I would have loved to award this to my kids but neither shows any interest in TKD anymore. I never wear it (it is a size too small) but won't get rid of it.

Yes Milles, my new belt is 3 inches wide, my other belts are 2 inches wide, in fact I didin't knew there were 3 inches black belts, this is the first one I saw and this past exanination I saw 3 grandmasters who used 3 inch belts too.

This is my 1st Dan BB 2 icnhes wide

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This is my 2nd Dan 3 inches wide

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These are my 3 black blets: from lefth to right a) plain black belt 2", b) 1st dan 2" and c) 2nd dan 3"

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My dad still has the judo black belt he earned in Korea in 1953. My own black belt is off in the future still, but if his fits me I hope to wear it. It's unembroidered. I would be honored to wear the belt my father wore.

I didn't really "put mine away". We have two poles in our school. On each pole, we have one of every color belt wrapped around it, from white on up. My first Black Belt is at the top of one pole, SWMBO's is at the top of the other.
My good friend, senior and training partner returned home to Korea, and as a sign of friendship, I gave him my black belt!
I have been wearing my current belt for about five years, and will continue to wear it until it is no more. Even when old and worn out I will continue to wear it when training, but will always have a clean crisp standby for ceremonies and demonstrations!

Tae Kwon!!!

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