Sauna Suit for Men - Worth It?


White Belt
Nov 2, 2022
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Hey everyone,

I've been considering investing in a sauna suit for my workouts, but I'm wondering if it's worth it. Do sauna suits
for men enhance weight loss and improve workout performance, or is it just hype? I've heard mixed opinions about their effectiveness and safety. Some claim they help increase sweat and burn more calories, while others warn about potential risks like dehydration and overheating. Before making the purchase, I'd love to hear from those who have tried sauna suits or have insights into their benefits and drawbacks. Your experiences and advice would be greatly appreciated!
Not unless you're cutting weight for a match. You'll lose weight, but it's going to be pretty much just water weight, which is the easiest weight to loose so going by a scale it'll seem effective, but in reality you a) will put that weight back on quickly so it's not consistent loss, and b)don't really want to lose water weight even if you could keep it off. It's not healthy and won't make you look any better.

If you're cutting weight for a match, then losing water weight could be good since you can put it back after weigh-in, but otherwise it's not desirable.
I re-read your post several times to make sure I didn't miss anything and considered all the subtleties and complexities enmeshed in your loquacious response. If I understood your dissertation correctly, did you mean, "No"?
I did.

And with apologies to Lenjee, allow me to elaborate.

No, sir.
Hey everyone,

I've been considering investing in a sauna suit for my workouts, but I'm wondering if it's worth it. Do sauna suits
for men enhance weight loss and improve workout performance, or is it just hype? I've heard mixed opinions about their effectiveness and safety. Some claim they help increase sweat and burn more calories, while others warn about potential risks like dehydration and overheating. Before making the purchase, I'd love to hear from those who have tried sauna suits or have insights into their benefits and drawbacks. Your experiences and advice would be greatly appreciated!
By coincidence, this was being advertised next to your post (Etsy). Bowler hat is optional.

She was 300lbs before she donned this sauna suit.