Sarasota Karate Teacher charged with Sexual Battery on student

Ugh, that's terrible. Sorry to hear it happened so close to home :(
The worst of the worst. When you gain the confidence of people, and then take advantage of them, makes my blood boil. Instead of building up lives, he has destroyed innocence.
Another disturbing thing is reading the message forum attached to the article (via a Facebook plugin). Many of his current and former students are coming on to the board to defend this guy "their beloved Sensei" and how the Police got it all wrong; that there is no way this sweet man would ever do such a thing and how he was so kinda hearted and yadda yadda...

Amazing how blind some people become even when faced with the truth...

Thankfully he will never be close to a child ever again. Hope all the years in Karate taught him something, because where he is going, he will definitely need it :)
Aye, a lady who commented mentioned how many people were talking about how awesome the teacher is -- and noting that such a reaction is what keeps victims from coming forward. She's absolutely right IMO.
Reading the facebook comments is really saddening. Does anyone know if there is truth to the multiple charges currently and taped confession?
In the Martial world, this ugliness has happened with far too much frequency over the years. Does anybody have any theories as to why? It seems it's a higher percentage than other professions with teaching, leadership or control as a key ingredient.
I think it's probably at the base rate of pedophilia in the population or slightly higher given the attraction to such jobs. I don't think it's anything specific about martial arts vs. say teaching. We just notice it more as martial artists.
On a vacation that I was planning to Sarasota, I was going to introduce myself to Kyoshi John Garcia, at his dojo, just before his arrest. He and I had similar USA Goju training roots. I had never met him, but had heard, through Facebook, good things about him and the tournaments he ran (Sarasota Martial Arts Challenge). He was highly regarded within the NYC USA Goju karate community.

I was shocked to read the news reports about what he certainly seems guilty as sin of doing. I feel terrible for the victims of his abuse and can only imagine how his wife and 5 kids feel! His son, a young black belt, has continued to to teach his father's classes, now that they have no instructor. I hope his students can carry on and train, and that his son can cope with his dad probably never being a free man again, considering the 8 separate charges against him.

What a sad and cautionary story.

-Sensei Russ