Sanuces Ryu Jiu-Jitsu?

In this day and age of the internet, you'd think websites would be a good indication of what's going on in a dojo.
Given the crap that takes place at the majority of MA schools, this is probably a good thing for their business model.
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I know the sauna, rock climbing wall stuff was sarcastic, but being serious, a good alternative to martial arts would be parkour. Lots of ninja warrior schools popping up, and that's great for kids.
I know the sauna, rock climbing wall stuff was sarcastic, but being serious, a good alternative to martial arts would be parkour. Lots of ninja warrior schools popping up, and that's great for kids.

Ooh, way to many ER trips with that.

I can see it now.....You thought you could jump off of what?? What was you thinking?? Lol
I'd be interested to know if anyone on this forum has direct, first hand knowledge of this style. A lot of information is on the web, but I think we all know how misleading that can be.

The only direct contact I've had with this style is some clown who wondered into my school and rolled with us after class. I'm almost certain that he mentioned this as his style. Much of what he was doing is typical of what you see out of "American Jujitsu", which is a lot of showy movements with very little applicability.

The most interesting part was that he refused to tap out, which forced me and my classmates to restrict ourselves to chokes, of which he passed out a few times. After the third time of him passing out, we stopped doing submissions entirely and simply used pins, in which this guy tried to grab our private parts or poke us in the eyes.

In short IF that was Sanuces Ryu JJ I wasn't impressed.
Ooh, way to many ER trips with that.

I can see it now.....You thought you could jump off of what?? What was you thinking?? Lol
I don't think it's any more dangerous than most other sports. Of course, the programs I've seen are age appropriate.
I know the sauna, rock climbing wall stuff was sarcastic, but being serious, a good alternative to martial arts would be parkour. Lots of ninja warrior schools popping up, and that's great for kids.
Ooh, way to many ER trips with that.

I can see it now.....You thought you could jump off of what?? What was you thinking?? Lol
Done right, a parkour/free running program is just as safe as, oh... judo or BJJ or any other martial art, or gymnastics. If the skills are taught in appropriate progression with some clear education as to limits of ability ("this method will let you jump from head height... but any higher, and you'll get hurt; we'll show you that one once you really have this down", as a for-instance). Of course there's going to be the occasional over-achiever moments... but that's going to happen whether they're being instructed or not. I'm somehow sure I'm not the only one who's grade school years included some challenges and dares about jumping off or climbing things...
clear education as to limits of ability ("this method will let you jump from head height... but any higher, and you'll get hurt; we'll show you that one once you really have this down", as a for-instance). Of course there's going to be the occasional over-achiever moments

And there is the problem.

My eleven year old thinks he is 12 foot tall and invincible. ;)

At the last black belt seminar, he volunteered to freestyle spar with one of the adult brown belts who is getting ready to test soon. The guy is a 6'4 330 lb former pro football player.