Sanda the new pathetic version

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I was on another site and I came across this - New Sanda Rules in China

- No gloves of any kind are allowed.
- Only allow to hit the chest area (with chest protection).
- No head strikes are allowed.

- Not allow to hit any other area besides the chest protection area
- No locking
- No striking during clinching
- Not allow to play defense only

:mad: Great JUST great and now NEUTERED sanda/Sanhou. Yet another attempt to make CMA less effective by the PRC. Now sports Sanda on mainland China is a whole lot less like police/military and one step away from no contact sparing.

It appears to be catering to the average westerner that does not really want to train but still go to China, climb into the ring and fool themselves into thinking they are good and can defend themselves. Prior to this I was pretty impressed by Sanda on mainland but now....

Now there are 4 versions
The new and unimproved Pathetic
hmmmm.... maybe it is a hope to get in the Olympics? Maybe as a demonstration in 2008? Totally just a guess, but TKD went through the same water down-ing for that reason.

Guess there are lots of opinions out there on if that was a good thing or not...

hmmmm.... maybe it is a hope to get in the Olympics? Maybe as a demonstration in 2008? Totally just a guess, but TKD went through the same water down-ing for that reason.

Guess there are lots of opinions out there on if that was a good thing or not...


I didn't think of the Olympic thing and should of; I was in TKD pre-Olympic and watched the change.

You may be right, they failed to get Wushu in so hell lets water down Sanda and give it a go. :disgust: :banghead:
I've been told they did it to Judo as well, of course they may have watered down the striking because they plan to chuck balls of Chi at each other? (Sorry couldn't resist that one!)
I've been told they did it to Judo as well, of course they may have watered down the striking because they plan to chuck balls of Chi at each other? (Sorry couldn't resist that one!)

NAH.. Sanda doesn't train Qi that is the whole thing CMA without Qi training.

But.... if it did... it would be too deadly for the average guy :mst: and then it would make since to water it down :uhyeah:
True sadly, you'd end up with little flittery bits on the ends of the fingers in order to make it more 'audience friendly'!
I'm not sure, I'll have to ask my instructor as he goes to Fairtex in Thailand a lot, whether the MT is watered down for tourists, I suspect it is though not for the serious fighters.I have seen people boasting of fighting/training MT in Thailand as though that makes them hard, I guess it would be the same for CMA, to be able to boast you've trained in China would make you sound pretty cool. It would be a money earner I suppose to 'sell' your martial art to tourists as you said. A shame though.
True sadly, you'd end up with little flittery bits on the ends of the fingers in order to make it more 'audience friendly'!
I'm not sure, I'll have to ask my instructor as he goes to Fairtex in Thailand a lot, whether the MT is watered down for tourists, I suspect it is though not for the serious fighters.I have seen people boasting of fighting/training MT in Thailand as though that makes them hard, I guess it would be the same for CMA, to be able to boast you've trained in China would make you sound pretty cool. It would be a money earner I suppose to 'sell' your martial art to tourists as you said. A shame though.

Sadly Sanda/Sanshou is big in China and full of teacher catering to westerners that want to be able to say "I trained Sanda in China" in order to brag and/or line their pockets whilst bilking their students. However there are some very impressive Sanda fighters and trainers there that I imagine are not all too happy about this.

I would however be surprised if the same thing was going on in Thailand, but I am certainly not willing to say it is not happening. The American dollar goes a long way their. But I was recently in contact with some American Sanshou guys that just came back form an extended trip to Thailand to train Muay Thai to enhance their Sanshou and they have been training and fighting with sanshou for a while and they were rather impressed by what they went through in Thailand. I need to see if I can contact them again to see what their take is on this change in the rules on mainland. Thanks for the idea

hmmmm.... maybe it is a hope to get in the Olympics? Maybe as a demonstration in 2008? Totally just a guess, but TKD went through the same water down-ing for that reason.

Guess there are lots of opinions out there on if that was a good thing or not...


Given the way that the PRC government has been moving in regard to the MAs it was inevitable that this would happen. TKD is the model that everyone is now looking to to get an MA in the Olympics. Wushu wasn't going to make it because its just synchronised swimming without the water, so why not try with this new (almost) no hits allowed Sanda?

The saddest thing about this is that this progression of disassembly is going to end up being the legacy of the martial arts in China. In another thread we have been lamenting the disappearance of history in TCMA, combine that with this and see where CMA are in ten years. Not in China that's for sure.

no chi balls below the belt...

Well not any more anyway.
Maybe they are changing it in order to save their trees from further abuse.
We had a golden opportunity to reverse the trend by putting Pankration back into the Athens Olympics. Unfortunately, it was squandered.
We had a golden opportunity to reverse the trend by putting Pankration back into the Athens Olympics. Unfortunately, it was squandered.

Yes we did.... and yes it was.... and now.... Pathetic Sanda... be careful in the ring.... or someone might get hurt....
Given the way that the PRC government has been moving in regard to the MAs it was inevitable that this would happen. TKD is the model that everyone is now looking to to get an MA in the Olympics. Wushu wasn't going to make it because its just synchronised swimming without the water, so why not try with this new (almost) no hits allowed Sanda?

The saddest thing about this is that this progression of disassembly is going to end up being the legacy of the martial arts in China. In another thread we have been lamenting the disappearance of history in TCMA, combine that with this and see where CMA are in ten years. Not in China that's for sure.

Sadly... you may be right.

Up until this most of the Sanda rules on mainland actually were a bit more painful than just about anywhere else. Now I can see them deciding to go with some of the other rules out there to get it to more of a national thing but this is just plain stupid.
Yes we did.... and yes it was.... and now.... Pathetic Sanda... be careful in the ring.... or someone might get hurt....

You know, I just realised the New Sanda has less target areas than Olympic TKD.

Given the rules, I expect to see a lot of people sidling up to each other and getting involved in something that might be mistaken for a crab mating ritual.
At least it would increase the legal target area :rolleyes:

Tangent: The SD suits are very useful for their purpose. Even if each student only gets in one or two really good hits it adds up to a serious *** whipping after you've put a dozen of them through their paces. You just can't do that too many times without protection.
I was on another site and I came across this - New Sanda Rules in China

- No gloves of any kind are allowed.
- Only allow to hit the chest area (with chest protection).
- No head strikes are allowed.

- Not allow to hit any other area besides the chest protection area
- No locking
- No striking during clinching
- Not allow to play defense only

:mad: Great JUST great and now NEUTERED sanda/Sanhou. Yet another attempt to make CMA less effective by the PRC. Now sports Sanda on mainland China is a whole lot less like police/military and one step away from no contact sparing.

It appears to be catering to the average westerner that does not really want to train but still go to China, climb into the ring and fool themselves into thinking they are good and can defend themselves. Prior to this I was pretty impressed by Sanda on mainland but now....

Now there are 4 versions
The new and unimproved Pathetic

Do you have a link or an article you could copy. This is the first I've heard of this anywhere so I'm curious to read the article myself.