Sanchin Ryu Close Combat

Weed can make me manic and I move very well when I'm manic. Eddie Bravo is a legend and I have nothing but respect for him. You know nothing about my career. If you want to make assumptions, go ahead, you know the cliche.

You've obviously have never experienced extreme mania.

Mental Illness is a very misunderstood topic. People like to express their opinon on it and they have no experience with it, so their views don't really count. You can't judge someone if you haven't been in their shoes.

Edumacate yourself:

Mania - Wikipedia
I think you missed the point.

I think I did. Doesn't matter, I never should have posted this. This fight occurred 25-years-ago. Every fight I've been in since then was from someone sucker punching me when I've tried to handle the situation calmly and rationally. The last fight I got into was a concert. This was at Red 7 in Austin. There were two stages with awesome bands playing on both stages. There was a gentleman who tried going to the other room, and this dude punched him for no reason. He pushed the dude off him and left. I walked through next, he punches me, we go at it, he wrestles me down to the ground, I pull guard and my friend picks him up. He socks my friend. They get into a tussle. Then the bouncers came and that dude's night ended badly.

I've talked smack about bouncers because some of them do have egos. They are there for their size, not their brains. However, when I work a club I get to know everybody, including the bouncers. If I have a problem, I go to them.
I think this is a good thread, no matter how you feel about my posting, because ego can get in the way, especially when you're good at something. I remember when I first moved to Cali to teach English, I went to a bar to shoot pool. There were these dudes wearing tap out shirts. The one dude was being very aggressive towards me and I never even said a word to him. He didn't know I study and train too. I wasn't about to get into a fight and I'm glad he didn't push it, but that dude was totally egotistic.
"Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird."

Nice trolling comment. Not sure if you're that ignorant or just messing with me.

No Sir, I am not the one being ignorant. I have psychosis. I am also bi-polar, albeit milder. I also have a mental illness for which I have embraced. I used to smoke weed. Medicinal weed can help with certain conditions to alleviate symptoms, maybe even extreme bi-polar. In fact I think Steven Fry mentioned it once. But for mental illness including psychosis, it does nothing but exacerbate symptoms. Weed like alcohol is an excuse, nothing more.
No Sir, I am not the one being ignorant. I have psychosis. I am also bi-polar, albeit milder. I also have a mental illness for which I have embraced. I used to smoke weed. Medicinal weed can help with certain conditions to alleviate symptoms, maybe even extreme bi-polar. In fact I think Steven Fry mentioned it once. But for mental illness including psychosis, it does nothing but exacerbate symptoms. Weed like alcohol is an excuse, nothing more.

Weed is an excuse? Tell that to the millions of med patients in this country.
Firstly to clear this up. No True Scotsman - RationalWiki

Next, as I said we have a lot of extremely knowledgeable and experienced people on here, not just in their martial arts but also in their day jobs. These range right across many specialities from police officers who deal with violence from all sorts of people to professional medics both physical and psychological. Many more people have experienced mental health issues than you think. Your stories bounce from being the victim to the aggressor, and you get very defensive when people don't take what you say at face value. You try to justify a rant about how awful bouncers and security people are, all of them by telling us some of them have inflated egos.
There's inconsistencies, you say you are a reporter but then you 'work' a club, doing what?
I've talked smack about bouncers because some of them do have egos. They are there for their size, not their brains. However, when I work a club I get to know everybody, including the bouncers. If I have a problem, I go to them.

The fact that some famous people take drugs isn't a recommendation, perhaps some reputable scientific citations would be in order? If you can start a conversation that doesn't involve you boasting about putting people in hospital and how great you are then I'm sure people will react well and it will turn into an interesting and honest thread. Start again, and you will receive serious posts back.
"Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird."

Nice trolling comment. Not sure if you're that ignorant or just messing with me.
It is quite clear which one of you is the troll. I do not recall anyone ever upsetting so many people here, and posting so many offensive posts, and you haven't even been a member for one full day yet.
Weed is an excuse? Tell that to the millions of med patients in this country.

No. Medical weed really isn't even what it is thought off. Yes the CBD vs THC issue is somewhat the battle ground. The latter however cannot be termed medicinal due to the overwhelming effects THC has on the brain. Including many issues such as psychosis, memory issues and everyday abilities to be able to function normally.

Weed is an excuse simply because it solves nothing. Whether that be stress, aches and pains, or even just to veg out and forget the days events. However, come the next morning, those issues that are not medical, just everyday life, weed simply facilitates a person to get mentally lost. Which overtime irreparable damage can be caused to normal thinking. Weed takes over it is simple as that. And those millions of med patients? Most are not, they just smoke weed, like countless millions drink alchol. Yes, it is an excuse, nothing more!
Ok one thread locked, we'd better change the direction of this or stop totally before this one does as well.
Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird.

These are mutually exclusive activities surely.

Isn't that always the way? Damn men who won't go down.

How very convenient that you had onlookers to help, perhapos you should have sold tickets?

Mmm, of course you do.

I'm sure you are.

You lay your eggs in other birds nests?

In the UK one doesn't post up that you jacked someone up, but I suppose it's one way to pacify such a terrifying man.

Don't you hate it when people point their noise at you?

If you get the impression I'm not taking your story seriously you are correct. The style of writing has all the indications of being fiction, a school essay most likely, designed to 'impress' a female English teacher of your grownupness and toughness. There's clues in there, a lot actually, that this 'experience' of yours isn't a real one.

To boast of sending someone to hospital, whether real or not, is, as others have said, a sign of someone who is not just an idiot (putting it on social media for a start) but denotes massive immaturity, lack of respect and everything else everyone has said.

People are welcoming here, also very knowledgeable in martial arts and other related subjects, you are welcome here but please don't BS us, we've all been around long enough to have highly tuned BS detectors.
Im not going to point out the exact comment but you WON the fourms today......;)