Sanchin Ryu Close Combat


Green Belt
Jan 26, 2017
Reaction score
Georgetown, Texas
Sanchin Ryu is a close combat style. We do not fight from a distance. We do not deliver high kicks.

When I was in 12th grade, I was accosted by a person at a party. He made the mistake of attacking me in a narrow hallway. It is said that Sanchin Ryu can be performed in a phone booth (what are those?), so he was in for it. I clutched him and delivered basic number 7, Seichi, knee strikes to his pelvis and legs. He went down. I brought elbows down on his back. He became frustrated because he had no room to throw his hay-maker punches, drew back and put his wrist through a window. He had to go to the hospital that night for stitches.

A couple months later, I was at a party, sitting in my car with a friend, listening to music, rolling a joint and he opened my door and attacked me. I do suffer from mental illness and I was quite psychotic at the time. I begged him not to fight me. I told him I was sorry. He continued. I should have used some hand-to-hand tech, but the only thing that came to mind was biting. We are a tiger style and I do subscribe to biting. I bit his ear off, tugged at it like a rabid pit bull. After wards, we got out of the car and were fighting. Again, I struck him with knees and elbows. He was tough, though, and didn't go down. He is a good wrestler and wrestled me to the ground. At this time I had started watching Royce Grace fight in the UFC and understood how to project myself on the ground. I assumed a ground guard, not allowing him to pin my hips. I was so tired, I just wanted it to end, so I let him punch me a couple of times and then requested the onlookers get him off of me.

While he and I are friendly now, we sure weren't back then. The thing is, I grew up around him. We rode the same bus everyday to school. I'm not sure why he lashed out at my friends and I. I think it had to do with a beef we had with his friends over disrespecting our girlfriends.

He was so happy to have won that second fight. I could hear outside saying he was happy to have won, all the while he ear was spewing blood like a volcano. He fought me twice. He went to the hospital twice. I am very small and disabled and don't always "win" fights, but I tend to put people in the hospital. Sanchin Ryu is dangerous. I am dangerous. I'm not somebody who has never been in a fight. I've lived on the streets, in the ghetto and have had to defend myself against scum like pimps and gang members. Also, as I said before, I'm Cuckoo Brains (Bill Cuckoo Brains Barnes is the character I play in my death metal/bird watching band, Death Metal Bird Song.).

I was very disappointed I let him get the upper hand on me in the second fight, but it's no biggie now. Hell, just knowing I jacked him up twice is fine because he was one of the toughest dudes in my home town. Stockbridge, Michigan maybe a small farm community, but I'll put some of our best fighters against any street-wise hood. One can point his noise up in the air and tell me these people wouldn't last long at all, but when you fight a dude with hands the size of cinder blocks from tossing hay all day, you get some fear in your heart.
Darren, first, welcome to MT.

Second, a word of advice. You seem to have quite the ego. You might want to dial that back a bit while you're here. I have no doubt you're a proficient martial artist, but so are most of us here.

Third, some of us are familiar with Sanchin Ryu.
You're proud that you put people in hospital? You knocked a guy down and continued beating on you sound like a nice guy..

Also you watched the ufc so you knew how to use the guard?...really? I've watched thousands of mma matches and I wouldn't have a clue how to get someone in a guard in training let alone a street fight.

What's the point of this post? To tell us how tough you are and how dangerous you and your style are? Well sorry to say no one cares.

I can't speak for everyone but that stuff really doesn't impress me.

You've been in fights okay it happens but when you go online bragging about it which is what you're doing that's not a good quality.

Also by looking at your other posts you've got a huge ego maybe you should look at why you get in so many fights
Honestly you sound like a hot head who enjoys fighting. Firstly as kick boxer said you knocked a man to the ground and continued beating him. That's wrong that takes it away from self defence to assault. A man hits the floor the fights done you walk away he gets up and comes back you put him down again.

You're proud of sending someone to the hospital? That's classless and pathetic and you're here bragging about it. I've got no respect for people like that. I've been in situations where I've had to defend myself And I absolutely hated each one and have never gone into details about with anyone because thinking about it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Somehow I doubt you were the victim in all this
Sanchin Ryu is a close combat style. We do not fight from a distance. We do not deliver high kicks.

When I was in 12th grade, I was accosted by a person at a party. He made the mistake of attacking me in a narrow hallway. It is said that Sanchin Ryu can be performed in a phone booth (what are those?), so he was in for it. I clutched him and delivered basic number 7, Seichi, knee strikes to his pelvis and legs. He went down. I brought elbows down on his back. He became frustrated because he had no room to throw his hay-maker punches, drew back and put his wrist through a window. He had to go to the hospital that night for stitches.

A couple months later, I was at a party, sitting in my car with a friend, listening to music, rolling a joint and he opened my door and attacked me. I do suffer from mental illness and I was quite psychotic at the time. I begged him not to fight me. I told him I was sorry. He continued. I should have used some hand-to-hand tech, but the only thing that came to mind was biting. We are a tiger style and I do subscribe to biting. I bit his ear off, tugged at it like a rabid pit bull. After wards, we got out of the car and were fighting. Again, I struck him with knees and elbows. He was tough, though, and didn't go down. He is a good wrestler and wrestled me to the ground. At this time I had started watching Royce Grace fight in the UFC and understood how to project myself on the ground. I assumed a ground guard, not allowing him to pin my hips. I was so tired, I just wanted it to end, so I let him punch me a couple of times and then requested the onlookers get him off of me.

While he and I are friendly now, we sure weren't back then. The thing is, I grew up around him. We rode the same bus everyday to school. I'm not sure why he lashed out at my friends and I. I think it had to do with a beef we had with his friends over disrespecting our girlfriends.

He was so happy to have won that second fight. I could hear outside saying he was happy to have won, all the while he ear was spewing blood like a volcano. He fought me twice. He went to the hospital twice. I am very small and disabled and don't always "win" fights, but I tend to put people in the hospital. Sanchin Ryu is dangerous. I am dangerous. I'm not somebody who has never been in a fight. I've lived on the streets, in the ghetto and have had to defend myself against scum like pimps and gang members. Also, as I said before, I'm Cuckoo Brains (Bill Cuckoo Brains Barnes is the character I play in my death metal/bird watching band, Death Metal Bird Song.).

I was very disappointed I let him get the upper hand on me in the second fight, but it's no biggie now. Hell, just knowing I jacked him up twice is fine because he was one of the toughest dudes in my home town. Stockbridge, Michigan maybe a small farm community, but I'll put some of our best fighters against any street-wise hood. One can point his noise up in the air and tell me these people wouldn't last long at all, but when you fight a dude with hands the size of cinder blocks from tossing hay all day, you get some fear in your heart.

May want to get off the weed and take your meds. What is a street wise hood BTW?
I clutched him

Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird.

rolling a joint and he opened my door and attacked me. I do suffer from mental illness and I was quite psychotic at the time.

These are mutually exclusive activities surely.

He was tough, though, and didn't go down

Isn't that always the way? Damn men who won't go down.

I was so tired, I just wanted it to end, so I let him punch me a couple of times and then requested the onlookers get him off of me.

How very convenient that you had onlookers to help, perhapos you should have sold tickets?

I am very small and disabled and don't always "win" fights, but I tend to put people in the hospital.

Mmm, of course you do.

. I am dangerous.

I'm sure you are.

I'm Cuckoo Brains

You lay your eggs in other birds nests?

Hell, just knowing I jacked him up twice is fine because he was one of the toughest dudes in my home town.

In the UK one doesn't post up that you jacked someone up, but I suppose it's one way to pacify such a terrifying man.

One can point his noise up in the air

Don't you hate it when people point their noise at you?

If you get the impression I'm not taking your story seriously you are correct. The style of writing has all the indications of being fiction, a school essay most likely, designed to 'impress' a female English teacher of your grownupness and toughness. There's clues in there, a lot actually, that this 'experience' of yours isn't a real one.

To boast of sending someone to hospital, whether real or not, is, as others have said, a sign of someone who is not just an idiot (putting it on social media for a start) but denotes massive immaturity, lack of respect and everything else everyone has said.

People are welcoming here, also very knowledgeable in martial arts and other related subjects, you are welcome here but please don't BS us, we've all been around long enough to have highly tuned BS detectors.
You're proud that you put people in hospital? You knocked a guy down and continued beating on you sound like a nice guy..

Also you watched the ufc so you knew how to use the guard?...really? I've watched thousands of mma matches and I wouldn't have a clue how to get someone in a guard in training let alone a street fight.

What's the point of this post? To tell us how tough you are and how dangerous you and your style are? Well sorry to say no one cares.

I can't speak for everyone but that stuff really doesn't impress me.

You've been in fights okay it happens but when you go online bragging about it which is what you're doing that's not a good quality.

Also by looking at your other posts you've got a huge ego maybe you should look at why you get in so many fights

First of all, he was still on me. Second, since when does a street fight have rules? Even MMA fighters have to do ground and pound to end the fight.
Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird.

These are mutually exclusive activities surely.

Isn't that always the way? Damn men who won't go down.

How very convenient that you had onlookers to help, perhapos you should have sold tickets?

Mmm, of course you do.

I'm sure you are.

You lay your eggs in other birds nests?

In the UK one doesn't post up that you jacked someone up, but I suppose it's one way to pacify such a terrifying man.

Don't you hate it when people point their noise at you?

If you get the impression I'm not taking your story seriously you are correct. The style of writing has all the indications of being fiction, a school essay most likely, designed to 'impress' a female English teacher of your grownupness and toughness. There's clues in there, a lot actually, that this 'experience' of yours isn't a real one.

To boast of sending someone to hospital, whether real or not, is, as others have said, a sign of someone who is not just an idiot (putting it on social media for a start) but denotes massive immaturity, lack of respect and everything else everyone has said.

People are welcoming here, also very knowledgeable in martial arts and other related subjects, you are welcome here but please don't BS us, we've all been around long enough to have highly tuned BS detectors.

First of all, I guess I didn't understand the thread. I thought it was about telling stories about real fights. Am i proud I put him in the hospital? No. I'm just saying that usually that is what happens when you fight me, so stay away... I do not like to fight, it is my last resort. This guy didn't give me a chance to get away on both accounts.

As far as my mental state goes, yes, I suffer from mental health issues. I have bi-polar and have been sick most of my life. I live on disability. There is a beast inside of me, a certain touch of evil, a psychosis when I'm manic and I can come unglued. I'm working on it with my therapist, working on Sanchin.

While I've hurt a couple of people, they hurt me too. Also, a couple of scabbles does not define myself. I've done a lot more good for people than bad. I've instructed several dojos around Michigan. I've helped students in the dojo and in the secondary ed classroom. Do not make assumptions without gathering more information. Any good journalist will tell you that.

I have nothing to prove to you people, I just thought this was the conversation topic. My bad. But don't try to discredit or disrespect me. I'm more of a warrior of words and you'll lose the battle, I promise you! Millions of people around the world read me. if you don't believe me google "Darren Cowan metal interview feature review report photo" and see how many links show up.
weed is my med

Well no wonder you seem to have an inferiority complex. Firtsly you would stink of weed walking up to club, let being in one. Secondly eratic behaviour would be picked up before you got anywhere near a door. No idea how Eddie Bravo manages to roll around on it, but generally speaking anybody who has had a joint and try's to fight, is going to be put on his **** quite quickly. Perception of movement and space just ain't there.
May want to get off the weed and take your meds. What is a street wise hood BTW?

"Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird."

Nice trolling comment. Not sure if you're that ignorant or just messing with me.
First of all, he was still on me. Second, since when does a street fight have rules? Even MMA fighters have to do ground and pound to end the fight.
Oh really? That's not what you said in your post

"He went down. I brought elbows down on his back"

The difference is mma is a sport they're wearing gloves there's a referee to stop it when it's obvious the guys done. When some punks hitting a guy on the ground on the street he could kill the guy. You elbowed him in the back you could've crippled him.
First of all, I guess I didn't understand the thread. I thought it was about telling stories about real fights. Am i proud I put him in the hospital? No. I'm just saying that usually that is what happens when you fight me, so stay away... I do not like to fight, it is my last resort. This guy didn't give me a chance to get away on both accounts.

As far as my mental state goes, yes, I suffer from mental health issues. I have bi-polar and have been sick most of my life. I live on disability. There is a beast inside of me, a certain touch of evil, a psychosis when I'm manic and I can come unglued. I'm working on it with my therapist, working on Sanchin.

While I've hurt a couple of people, they hurt me too. Also, a couple of scabbles does not define myself. I've done a lot more good for people than bad. I've instructed several dojos around Michigan. I've helped students in the dojo and in the secondary ed classroom. Do not make assumptions without gathering more information. Any good journalist will tell you that.

I have nothing to prove to you people, I just thought this was the conversation topic. My bad. But don't try to discredit or disrespect me. I'm more of a warrior of words and you'll lose the battle, I promise you! Millions of people around the world read me. if you don't believe me google "Darren Cowan metal interview feature review report photo" and see how many links show up.

I have the same. You are talking crap. Unleashing the beast is not uncontrollable. You start a fight because you want too.
Well no wonder you seem to have an inferiority complex. Firtsly you would stink of weed walking up to club, let being in one. Secondly eratic behaviour would be picked up before you got anywhere near a door. No idea how Eddie Bravo manages to roll around on it, but generally speaking anybody who has had a joint and try's to fight, is going to be put on his **** quite quickly. Perception of movement and space just ain't there.

Weed can make me manic and I move very well when I'm manic. Eddie Bravo is a legend and I have nothing but respect for him. You know nothing about my career. If you want to make assumptions, go ahead, you know the cliche.
I have the same. You are talking crap. Unleashing the beast is not uncontrollable. You start a fight because you want too.

You've obviously have never experienced extreme mania.
Oh really? That's not what you said in your post

"He went down. I brought elbows down on his back"

The difference is mma is a sport they're wearing gloves there's a referee to stop it when it's obvious the guys done. When some punks hitting a guy on the ground on the street he could kill the guy. You elbowed him in the back you could've crippled him.

Again, he wasn't on the ground. He was on his knees trying to tackle me. Maybe I didn't make that clear. Sorry for misunderstanding.
Well no wonder you seem to have an inferiority complex. Firtsly you would stink of weed walking up to club, let being in one. Secondly eratic behaviour would be picked up before you got anywhere near a door. No idea how Eddie Bravo manages to roll around on it, but generally speaking anybody who has had a joint and try's to fight, is going to be put on his **** quite quickly. Perception of movement and space just ain't there.

Stink of weed. Ha, yeah, I stink of weed after getting off the artist's bus while we smoke them down. This is rock n roll, dude.
First of all, I guess I didn't understand the thread. I thought it was about telling stories about real fights. Am i proud I put him in the hospital? No. I'm just saying that usually that is what happens when you fight me, so stay away... I do not like to fight, it is my last resort. This guy didn't give me a chance to get away on both accounts.

As far as my mental state goes, yes, I suffer from mental health issues. I have bi-polar and have been sick most of my life. I live on disability. There is a beast inside of me, a certain touch of evil, a psychosis when I'm manic and I can come unglued. I'm working on it with my therapist, working on Sanchin.

While I've hurt a couple of people, they hurt me too. Also, a couple of scabbles does not define myself. I've done a lot more good for people than bad. I've instructed several dojos around Michigan. I've helped students in the dojo and in the secondary ed classroom. Do not make assumptions without gathering more information. Any good journalist will tell you that.

I have nothing to prove to you people, I just thought this was the conversation topic. My bad. But don't try to discredit or disrespect me. I'm more of a warrior of words and you'll lose the battle, I promise you! Millions of people around the world read me. if you don't believe me google "Darren Cowan metal interview feature review report photo" and see how many links show up.
Oh my god you really are not helping yourself. Talking like you do you're lucky you haven't been killed. You really think you're some tough guy you're not it would be so easy for someone to come at you with a knife or a gun because you've got a big mouth.

You run dojos? Dear god this is a great example you're setting to your students.

Again trying to Impress people. No one cares how many people read you.

You need to grow up fast
"Birds clutch their eggs, people do not clutch each other, that would be weird."

Nice trolling comment. Not sure if you're that ignorant or just messing with me.
Nice starting arguments on your first dear here says a lot doesn't it
Stink of weed. Ha, yeah, I stink of weed after getting off the artist's bus while we smoke them down. This is rock n roll, dude.

Also, this comment shows your ignorance. Eddie Bravo has gone on the record saying he smoke medically. So do the Diaz bro. Certain strainds of weed do help with mental illness, but living in a state that doesn't recognize MJ's medical value, I can't get those strains. Also, I suffer and I do mean suffer, I've wasted away and have nearly died several times from Crohn's disease. It put an end to my teaching career and as a full-time Sensei.

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