Saiga 12?

sgtmac 46, the prices went nuts after Barry O got elected.
They sky-rocketed after that, but have been on the rise for the last 4 years. 2 years ago the same model I bought was going for $450.00......product got scarce due to rising popularity.

Now when Papa Doc Barrack signs a new, more comprehensive AWB, and bans virtually all semi-automatic weapons, rifle, handgun and shotgun, the prices really WILL sky-rocket!
Now when Papa Doc Barrack signs a new, more comprehensive AWB, and bans virtually all semi-automatic weapons, rifle, handgun and shotgun, the prices really WILL sky-rocket!

That is the reason why we must support the NRA, GOA, and all of our political allies. If we do not, we will end up like so many other countries around the world, where we all become sheeple and not citizens.
In the wake of proposed legislation, it's time to remind our confused friends in Washington of 1994, and give them a sincere promise that if they aren't careful we'll do our level best to make 1994 a FOND memory compared to 2010 and 2012!