Saddam Hussein Captured Alive Near Tikrit


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
27 minutes ago

By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - American forces captured a bearded Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) as he hid in the cellar of a farmhouse near his hometown of Tikrit, ending one of the most intensive manhunts in history. The arrest, eight months after the fall of Baghdad, was carried out without a shot fired and was a huge victory for U.S. forces.

The Rest of the Article
Check the Study as well for another post.....or if someone wants to Merge them that woukld be cool :D
the only reason I put this in here is because alot of people don't frequent the study. *gets to political for some*
I heard the announcement like just as I woke up.

But I think our men over there are going to have more trouble now because the resistance might try and show loyalty by becoming stronger. I dunno. Just the thoughts of a sleepy college student.
Quite possible -- also realize that Al Qaeda reportedly has a pretty good infrastructure set in place in Iraq now -- in my mind, that could be more of a threat than a Saddam-related resistance movement, which if anything should be relatively uncoordinated now, due to no head figure being present.

The important thing here is to handle this situation carefully -- if we go overboard, the man may be perceived as a martyr, which would only stir up his supporters that much more. Think of Northern Ireland.
I think it'll slightly, but not significantly, weaken the resistance in Iraq. But it's got to be a morale boost for the troops!
Should we merge this thread and the thread in The Study? I also think the other thread has a more political feel to it and it might be best to leave them separate.

-MT Admin-
Jeff, I think we should leave them alone for now.. :)

Mod Note.. if you want to post Political thoughts.. Go to the Study and do so.


~MT Mod~
This is fantastic news..*G

and thousands of Iraqi people celebrating...honking their horns...dancing in the streets. And some say they don't want us there...the only ones who don't want us there are the ones want want to rule and oppress....The Iraqi people want us there to ensure a smooth transition so they can control their own fate.

Well done Troops!
I don't see the murdering of our troops slowing down, but I suppose now he can tell us what he did with all the WOMD we gave him.;)
Perhaps some of the troop attacks will abate now that the $750,000.00 in U.S. currency that he had on him is no longer available to pay for the attacks. Saddam was lookin' a little on the rough side when they pulled him out of the hidey-hole. I heard a comment from one of his sisters that the U.S. must have drugged him or gassed him to keep him from fighting back when they captured him.... imagine that... using gas on Hussein, wouldn't that be ironic. Personally, I think he reacted exactly the way you'd expect a coward to react.

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