S.F. nightclub bouncer shot dead after work


Senior Master

(06-06) 17:11 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A South of Market nightclub security guard who was hoping to become a police officer was shot to death on the street early Friday after leaving work, San Francisco authorities said.
Germane Harris, 33, of San Francisco had just finished his shift as a bouncer at the Holy Cow at 1535 Folsom St. when the attack happened.
-I read the link although it doesn't give a lot of info concerning the incident. Seems kinda weird when they say he had no enemies, unless his attackers mistook him for someone else. I'm assuming he riled someone up at the nightclub he worked at. Maybe that person didn't even get upset right then and there, just deciding to come back later. Who knows? From the words of his friend in the article, sounds like the world lost another decent person. Seems to happen a little too often.

-Oddly enough, I'm listening to the LOTR soundtrack, which fits my mood on this perfectly.

I'm assuming he riled someone up at the nightclub he worked at.

Good assumption. The nightclub crowd isn't noted for their even temper and intelligent life choices, and the bouncer is the guy who has to drop the hammer on their stupidity. A customer would be the first place I would look, starting with anyone ejected that night.
Bounced on and off for 14 years. Been shot at more than once in those 14 years. Not once by a "known enemy". Always by angry patrons, previously ejected. One was even asked to leave nicely, and did, saying we were correct...he had too much to drink tonight, and was headed home to sleep it off. Came back and shot the bar up 15 minutes later.

Always be on guard.

I've gotta say, whatever the pros and cons of the right to bear arms, I dont fancy working the doors your side of the pond.

Yeah. For some reason, I very much doubt that Geoff Thompson or Peter Consterdine or Gavin Mulholland has ever been shot at, even once, in the course of their decade-long respective careers in clubs security/bouncing/doormanship in some of the toughest clubs in the UK.

Hell, what am I talking about—bouncers?? Over here, university professors take their lives in their hand giving a student anything less than an A, it seems like. We had an incident a few months ago where some guy with academic problems went on a shooting spree and killed several people... an engineering student, IIRC. And there are several other recent examples.

And let's not even get into where the phrase 'going postal' came from... :uhohh:

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