RyuShiKan - Hero or Zero?

RyuShiKan, Zero or Hero

  • Hero - He is very valuable member, helps MT greatly, contributes great stuff

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • Zero - He is a troll, drives people away, and contributes little real content that isn't cut-n-paste

    Votes: 25 44.6%
  • Somewhere in the middle - Pain in the ***, but also valuable.

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • Kaith - Youre an idiot.

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Originally posted by yilisifu
When a member like RSK is attacked because he stands up and asks perfectly valid questions, it's time to depart and return to my own kind.

You're the founder of Yiliquan, aren't you? I would think a man
of your intelligence would see it's not the fraud busting (which I
have enjoyed for the most part) it's just the way it's
gone about. How can you honestly say that RSK has only
defended attacks? While I appreciate his knowledge, and
have been personally helped by him and what he knows, I have
to concede that he's not always soleley defending himself. He
has attacked, IMO .. case in point, the thread that sparked this
poll in the first place.

RSK .. I too hope you come back, and can just see what I believe
most are saying ... most things about you are liked, and
appreciated. Even the fraud busting ... it's just the way you've
gone about it, sometimes.

If you're not coming back, thank you for your knowledge and
Originally posted by yilisifu
When a member like RSK is attacked because he stands up and asks perfectly valid questions, it's time to depart and return to my own kind.

So, what you are saying here sir, is that its not ok to attack someone like RSK, but it is ok to attack others?

I disagree.

When I first saw this thread - about taking a vote on the worth of a particular member, I was really rather shocked. I expected more professionalism than that. I posted what I honestly thought, but it's obvious that this personal problem with a member has gone way too far.

This isn't personal, to me anyway. I harbor no ill will towards him. But, I will agree, it wasn't the most professional thing to do, and perhaps the method left something to be desired. For that, I apologize.

Please delete my account.


To paraphrase from Kirk: it's not the fraud busting ( it's just the way it's been gone about.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

To paraphrase from Kirk: it's not the fraud busting ( it's just the way it's been gone about.

Actually, you paraphrased me, but I'll let it slide. :)

I hope your somewhere reading this, even though you've resigned your membership, at least temporarily.

When I signed on here, I was impressed with much of the dialogue...but when I saw how the moderators defended the frauds, I grew skeptical...this POLL is an affirmation that you are more interested in nice-nice than you are the truth...

I can't support that. Sorry...

delete my membership.

You see, I don't see it as Mods. defending frauds. The reason is I have done my fair share of "fraud busting" in the Modern Arnis Forum. I have been single handedly responsable for "taking down" certain individuals for behaviors that were disagreeable. I have maybe been warned 2 or 3 times in the past year when it got heated and I crossed the line, but nothing more. I don't think that this is because the Mods like me better then anyone else.

The reason I am a living example of someone who has regularly "argued" here without getting in trouble is because when I "give it to" someone, I don't actually "slam" them (usually). I use logical arguements and facts to debunk others. I shy away from the personal attacks. This has kept me out of trouble.

I think that people get in trouble when they get into the name calling and slams. If people would just keep it clean, they could "fraud bust" all they want to, and they wouldn't get in trouble. The problem with RSK is that far to often he would cross the line from logical debating into slamming territory. I know that you like him and his opinions, but I don't think that you can ignore this fact.

I actually like the guy too, but you reap what you sow. If his behavior turns everyone off, including the mods, and gets him in trouble, then that is his problem. Not mine or yours.

Chufeng, Kaith is a good guy overall. I can see your point about this poll; it probably wasn't a good idea to go through with it w/o RSK's permission. I don't know if kaith will be doing this again anytime soon. Regardless, I would hate to see you leave this forum because of it. I like what you have to say, and what you have to offer. It would really be too bad to see you leave.


P.S. I will be e-mailing you later about internal stuff. I have been meaning to follow up on the last advise you had given me.
Don't you leave too!

I just don't think that people should leave over something this retarded.

I hope that those who leave decide to return eventually, realizing that leaving doesn't solve any problems...:(
My $0.02.

This is the most disappointing thread I've ever seen. MT is lessened greatly due to the shenanigans, ON BOTH SIDES, here. It's especially saddening to see the YiLi folks jump ship.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Actually, you paraphrased me, but I'll let it slide. :)


ACTUALLY :o, You all paraphrased me from my "Is Martial Talk...." thread. Now where was I......oh yeah! Hiding! :D

Wow!! Take a week off.......

I'm going to put a different slant on this if I may. I hold no ill will towards Robert in anyway, shape or form. However, his approach leaves much to be desired, it seems the vast majority here agree. But I see much more to this. Let me explain.

Numerous times a poster contributes to a post, creates a post or is the subject of a post and Robert goes into a tirade. It is not a simply matter of he asks a question, or posts an opinon. He works himself up into a frenzy. There is a good example just below this thread, in this forum. Robert will post ten times in rapid succession, with the posts becoming more and more volitile and abusive. This is not normal, healthy behavior. The logical approach would be to ask a question or post a comment and wait for a reply. This is normal, logical and healthy diologe. Roberts approach is to e-mugg a person and inundate him in the hopes of casting doubt on him. It is a debators tactic, but Robert has taken it to far, far to many times.

He goes off on tirades calling all Westerners 'over-ranked-yanks' in one thread then contridicts himself in saying America and the West have far better MA's. He states that Okinawa is the height of the MA world, then in another thread says they are all money hungry Dan-mill schools.

He proclaims he has 'outed' people. Yet I have seen very little evidence of this other than him patting himself on the back and 'declaring' victory. All of this might be excusable as merely a disgruntled and immature individual.

But it goes much deeper than that.

He has sent me numerous, unsolicitated emails of pure hate-driven rantings. But the kicker's were the hate mails with the obscene language. That really opened up my eyes and exposed him for what he truly is, a emotionally disturbed man that seeks conflict continuously. That sort of hate mail, that sort of language, that sort of twisting of actual facts is not from a healthy mind. Apparently I am not the only recipiant of his tirades in either email or PM.

He wants the attention. He craves the limelight. How many threads were closed only for him to start another on the same tangent? Does he have knowledge to share? Yes, a little. But most of his 'knowledge' could easily come to anyone here given ten minutes on a Yahoo search. Some of his knowledge is not factual, I'm sorry...it simply isn't. And yes he does have 'some' original information. But not what some have tried elevate him to.

Again, I'm not angry with him. I don't 'dislike' him. I wish him well. But his conduct fleshed out a profile that was disturbing to say the least. He is not to be disliked, he is to be pitied. He needs time and prayers to become emotionally balanced.

Robert, I bid you peace, I wish you well, you are in my prayers. Leaving was the healthiest thing you could have done. Take care of yourself.
Holy bejeebers! So this means that I've picked on somebody I should have just avoided. Time to update my virus protection, lock my doors, and bar my windows.

Lets just say that it confirmed something I suspected months ago. However, I was also shocked when I received one hate mail after the other with each progressing [or degressing] in hostility.

As I've said, Robert is not to be hated or disliked. But he needs help with his issues. I hope he seeks that help, I honestly do. For those that pray, put him on your list.

Originally posted by A.R.K.

Lets just say that it confirmed something I suspected months ago. However, I was also shocked when I received one hate mail after the other with each progressing [or degressing] in hostility.

As I've said, Robert is not to be hated or disliked. But he needs help with his issues. I hope he seeks that help, I honestly do. For those that pray, put him on your list.


Did you keep copies? Could we read it?
Just a small 'nitpick' about the whole poll thing.

In the 'sikaran.net' thread I made this comment:

quote: Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I wonder what the results would be if we did a public poll here on making you staff vs booting you?

With this reply:

quote: Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Do as you like.
I am not interested in being part of the staff here in the least bit.

To my thinking at the moment I started this thread, I took that as an 'ok'.

For the record, I, and the staff here do know people came here because of RSK. I know people came here because of GouRonin too. When Gou was banned, people were understandibly upset. Some left. Others, visit less and post less often. It is the same here. In both cases some feel the 'exiting' party is being treated unfairly, unequally, and wrongly. Sometimes, right or wrong, we side with our friends because they are out friends.

You can read thru this mess, and draw your own conclusions over all parties involved character. But, before you condem or martyr anyone, take a step back and read what else has been posted elsewhere.

Someone commented to me on 'what have you contributed lately'. Actually, I've heard that a few times the last couple days.

I'd like to answer that.

I'm -very- offended by it.

MartialTalk uses over 1GB of storage space, and moves on the average 20GB per month of data.

That size hosting account is beyond 90% of ISP's 'website' allowences. It requires a 'virtual server', or a real physical server.

That type of account is on the average is about $100 a month.

The vBulleting software costs $85 per year to lease.

This software is -heavily- modified by over 100 hours of programming.

The 'average' rate for this type of work is $70/hour.

I pay $10 per year for the domain name.

So far, we are at an $8,295 operational cost for this forum, based on the industry averages.

I've spent about $500 this year so far on advertising.

I spend on the average 20+ hours a week on here making sure memberships are validated, problems solved, seeding forums and settling disputes. On some days, I've been on here 10, 12, 20 hours straight.

That is what -I- do.

I am really sorry if the fact that I can't contribute to a high-level discussion somehow makes me inelegible for some courtacy and respect. I'm sorry if the fact that I haven't got 20 years training under my belt somehow negates my other contributions here in the minds of some.

Added up, I personally contribute over $20,000 US in time, labor, actual cash, server space and web design work to keep this place up, and running.

The rest of our staff also donates a -very- significant amout of time helping folks, researching questions, seeding forums, programming and generally trying to make this the best forum we can.

So, folks, -that- is what -we- contribute.

You all contribute the 'discussion' without which all forums are nothing. You can fill it with mindless drivel, you can fill it with constant bickering over what the right way to tie your belt is, you can turn it into a battle royal, you can argue over words on paper, or you can act like responsible guests and make this a place you want your friends to visit and a premier source of martialarts information and brotherhood online.

We have several sponsors who apreciate this forum enough that they spend some hard earned money helping me to cover some operational costs. I greatly and truely apreciate each and every one of them with all my heart.

Personally, I hope we can again turn this into a jewel on the net.

And, as to Robert, and the others who have decided to leave... I wish them all well. Please, don't speak ill of any of them, as they are not here to comment back.

With all that said....

I'm closing this thread.

Its time to move on from here.

I want 1 point clear.... I very much do NOT want to see threads popping up or 'shots' made at folks.

This isnt a slamfest, despite what some may think.

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