Running is the best defense

There is no good solution to the problem mentioned by the OP. You can only follow your instincts, or fear, and hope you solution works well enough for you to survive as intact as possible. A mob on 30 or 40 people cannot normally be reasoned with, but given the chance is worth trying. If you are fleet enough of foot, running is an option, if you feel no responsibility to aid anyone with you. But remember the comment of one who was caught and hit. Just as there may always someone who is faster that a good MA, there may be someone faster than a fast runner. There is only one winner at a track meet event.

God forbid I should ever get in such a situation myself. With that many opponents, there just isn't a good solution, so any solution will likely be wrong and dangerous. If I thought I could run away, I certainly would try. If I thought laying down and submitting would work, I would try that (but I don't believe it ever would). I would guess I would be left with the sad solution of trying to take out as many as I could before being rendered unable to fight more. I doubt I would feel much satisfaction afterward, assuming I lived, when looking at my probable injuries. But at least whatever sorry state I might find myself, I would likely have company.

But that still isn't a good solution.
Many poor folks live in "the bad part of town"... are you suggesting they all pack up and move/run away? That would be "just ridiculous".
I think its pretty obvious that if you live in the bad part of town then its inevitable you will be 'hanging out there'. Its probably also a good idea to not be walking the streets at night, for instance, if you live in those areas. As I said, running should be first priority and standing there to fight should be the last, but at times running simply isnt an option.
running should be first priority and standing there to fight should be the last, but at times running simply isnt an option.
All situations are different - but in my experience - if you run, it will only make your attackers brave - in the belief you are afraid if them - they'll chase and attack you that much harder. I know for a fact - not just anyone will attack someone who stands his ground and fights back hard. Take out one of the leaders - and many times - the rest will follow... or go in a different direction.

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