RPG Thread?


Senior Master
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Troy NY
So I kind of hinted at this in another thread, but no one responded to it. Anyway, I was wondering: would anyone be interested in running some kind of play by post here? Would that even be allowed?
Dang...posted over three years ago...never got a reply. LOL I guess it shouldn't be a shock if most martial artists are not into RPG's.
Dang...posted over three years ago...never got a reply. LOL I guess it shouldn't be a shock if most martial artists are not into RPG's.
can you explain what you mean by play by post.
Sometime I slow in understanding may be because too much in mind.
I've got the same question. Would more than likely he interested, just don't know what it is.
Was your plan to have people playing Dn'D in this thread for weeks on end for a single adventure? It's terrifying and awesome at the same time.
Was your plan to have people playing Dn'D in this thread for weeks on end for a single adventure? It's terrifying and awesome at the same time.
A regular campaign where players meet weekly can take months for a single campaign. I've never played online. Seems like it could really change the pace. If everyone doesn't check the thread or respond in the same time frame, it might take weeks for a single encounter.

On the other hand, I know some people do run play by post campaigns, so It can work.
Play by post is the new internet-age way to play a role-playing game. Since most people don't have the time to meet in person, they can play via email or a discussion board like this.

What would happen is, the Game Master (GM) would describe the world and rules of the game. The Players would develop characters, which they would run by the GM beforehand. (This is to avoid anyone creating any characters that have a ridiculously unfair advantage over anyone else.)

After that, the GM starts posting the adventure. It would be written like, "Your group is in a cabin in the woods, surrounded by zombies. What do you do?" That is just a rough idea. I'm not saying it would be a WALKING DEAD-type RPG. Also, before the actual adventure begins, I might conduct the story in a way where all the PC's (player characters) meet each other organically, rather than just throw you all into some kind of crazy mix together.

Also, it most likely would not be D&D, but then again who knows?

To answer the other question, I think I would create a single adventure at first and see how that goes.

There was a massive, massive, MASSIVE D&D campaign idea I came up with way back in 1999, and I got to play only two sessions before everyone's schedules got too hectic to continue. It was a shame because I let one of my long-time RPG buddies read my plan, and he was like, "Damn...I have never encountered a D&D campaign like that. Too bad you didn't get to run it!"

He said that because most people considered D&D to be a very superficial hack and slash, grab as much in the way of treasure and experience points (XP) as you can kind of thing. My goal was to create something where your characters would actually be living, breathing, three-dimensional beings.

As for Tony's question on how to handle it, I wonder: do you mean how I would handle if there were dice rolls? I have never done it that way, so I'm not sure. In the other PBP (play by post) games I was in, the GM basically used their judgment when someone said "I want to do this or that." When it comes to die rolls, I guess...I would take your abilities, roll the dice on my end, and you would have to trust that I am not screwing you over.
Kinda like this
:Oaktree walks slowly to the stage a quite fart escapes him: ugh, those cursed burritos will be the death of me he mutters under his breath.

:in the distance he spots the microphone and walks to it: :thud, thud: as he taps the microphone. He leans into it smelling the cheese breath of who ever used it and begins to speak "hi I'm oaktree, I eat cursed burritos anyone have some tums"?

And that is how you rpg
Play by post is the new internet-age way to play a role-playing game. Since most people don't have the time to meet in person, they can play via email or a discussion board like this.

What would happen is, the Game Master (GM) would describe the world and rules of the game. The Players would develop characters, which they would run by the GM beforehand. (This is to avoid anyone creating any characters that have a ridiculously unfair advantage over anyone else.)

After that, the GM starts posting the adventure. It would be written like, "Your group is in a cabin in the woods, surrounded by zombies. What do you do?" That is just a rough idea. I'm not saying it would be a WALKING DEAD-type RPG. Also, before the actual adventure begins, I might conduct the story in a way where all the PC's (player characters) meet each other organically, rather than just throw you all into some kind of crazy mix together.

Also, it most likely would not be D&D, but then again who knows?

To answer the other question, I think I would create a single adventure at first and see how that goes.

There was a massive, massive, MASSIVE D&D campaign idea I came up with way back in 1999, and I got to play only two sessions before everyone's schedules got too hectic to continue. It was a shame because I let one of my long-time RPG buddies read my plan, and he was like, "Damn...I have never encountered a D&D campaign like that. Too bad you didn't get to run it!"

He said that because most people considered D&D to be a very superficial hack and slash, grab as much in the way of treasure and experience points (XP) as you can kind of thing. My goal was to create something where your characters would actually be living, breathing, three-dimensional beings.

As for Tony's question on how to handle it, I wonder: do you mean how I would handle if there were dice rolls? I have never done it that way, so I'm not sure. In the other PBP (play by post) games I was in, the GM basically used their judgment when someone said "I want to do this or that." When it comes to die rolls, I guess...I would take your abilities, roll the dice on my end, and you would have to trust that I am not screwing you over.
Okay, this is what I thought you meant, and I would absolutely be interested. I've played a decent amount of tabletop rpgs, but am not consistent enough with my current schedule to play in a regular group, so a play-by-post would be perfect for me.
I am nerdy enough to try.
Did some RP with a bunch of kids a few years back, everybody picked their character, and slowly the story developed as each player added their line.
The direction was not set though.

And I never played D&D....
So foreign to me, I'd more than likely screw it up, or just be so lost as to drop out. But I might give it a shot.
Wow, such a change of pace from no reply before! LOL

I will have to figure out which game world I want to run now. Then, for those of you not familiar with whatever world I pick, I would have to give a rundown of how it works.
For the record, can any of you tell me what games you HAVE played?
No online, i played Skyrim, dragon age origin and Witcher 1 neither of which i completed :(