Green Belt
That is where the GM steps in to not allow things like that. Plus, in a play by post, the game is essentially on "pause" until you reply. I would never let someone say, "Okay, well GP Seymour isn't replying, so I take his character and throw him into a lava pool." Not gonna happen on MY watch.
Just my 2 cents now I'm home and ready to drone on.
**This is more in ref to specifically a DnD-esc thing where the forum's going on an adventure
Play by post would work better if you did a collective approach more than an individual character approach.
Individual characters are better if you want a specific core of return players (which is more awkward on a public forum where people are coming/going all the time).
Don't delve into the details of people too much; set up the scene and react according to the replies you get, rather than waiting for specific replies from specific people. It'll include more people on a drop in/drop out basis.
Also means you don't have to faff to much about individual stats, inventory etc. You can just log in once per day and follow through with the reply that's first or has the most upvotes.
With regards to action success and failure instead of having dice rolls (one sided & hidden from everyone else) you could do a guess the number system whereby whoever is making a move tries to guess close to a number you've picked (not publicised) for the post between one and ten.
For example when trying to kick down a door & the dc (picked number) is 5 if the person guesses between 3-7 (+2 either way for a medium difficulty task) then you're successful.
Every action someone does, they have to pick a number and that'll define their success to you. Harder tasks have less lee-way and easier tasks have more lee-way.
I've done a similar forum post rpg-esc thing but it was king of the hill and we were all fighting each other. Was a good laugh and it worked for a fair while.
**Group decisions is normally where things start to fall apart so if you're running it you've got to make clear players have to accept whichever post you choose as the way forward (to keep it all moving at a reasonable pace). Don't railroad it though.