Routine Review


Yellow Belt
I was wondering if I could get some feedback about this routine.

I do TKD on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Evenings (1 hr) and Friday Evening (3 hrs).

I have done quite a bit of weight lifting in the past, but mainly for size. Now, I want it for TKD which I have been back at for about 8 months. Once I learn the patterns and Pro Sparring Curriculum, I'll change that to more bag work. Also, when it says #1-4, 12 reps for the kicks, we call our front, back, step, back step #1,2,3,4. I don't have much time on Wednesdays, that's why it is light. Saturdays are rest days. Saturdays can be creative, I'll work with my kids on their TKD. I'm a pastor so Sunday begins early and ends late.

Jump Rope (100)
Dynamic Stretching Leg Lifts (Front, Side, Back, 4x12)
Pro sparring Combos 1-3
Heavy Bag (#1-4-12 reps: Front. Side, Spinning Heel, Round)
Pull-ups (2 sets wide, 2 sets close, all to fail, last ones assisted)
Bent Over Rows (Barbell-2 sets, and Dumbbell w/Ball-2 sets)
Static Stretches

Jump Rope (100)
Leg Lifts (Front, Side, Back, 4x12)
Pro sparring Combos 4-6
Heavy Bag (#1-4-12 reps: Hook, Crescent/Axe, Spinning Side, Twist)
Lunges (2 sets)
Split Squats on Ball (2 sets)
Dead-Lifts (4 sets)
Isometric Stretches

Jump Rope (100)
Leg Lifts (Front, Side, Back, 4x12)
Bag Work
Static Stretches

Jump Rope (100)
Leg Lifts (Front, Side, Back, 4x12)
Pro sparring Combos 1-3
Heavy Bag (#1-4-12 reps: Front. Side, Spinning Heel, Round)
Push-Ups (elevated hands and feet-1 set to fail)
Dips (1 set to fail)
Push-Ups (regular-1 set to fail)
Dips (1 set to fail-assisted)
Standing Military Press w/ Hang Clean and Press (2 sets)
Isometric Stretches

Jump Rope (100)
Leg Lifts (Front, Side, Back, 4x12)
Pro sparring Combos 4-6
Heavy Bag (#1-4-12 reps: Hook, Crescent/Axe, Spinning Side, Twist)
Dumbbell Pull-Over on Ball (2 sets)
CaptainÂ’s Chair (2 sets to fail)
Bicycle Exercise (2 sets to fail)
Side Raises with Leg Elevated (2 sets to fail)
Static Stretches
Good workout for conditioning but not enough kicks. Our Jr's. tend to do 1500 or more kicks per day. They have 2 training sessions a day. One is conditioning and the other is drills and sparring. Sparring is not always full out but many times is controlled with a specific drill in mind or shadow.

Training starts at 4:00-6:00 for them, then they come back at 8:00-9:30.

When close (2-4 weeks out) to a tournament they add running and 1 session on the weekends.

We do not have them do any weights as they are Jr's (7-16 years old).

However our Sr's (17+ in years) put in about 2 hours of weight training every day. Only training 1 or 2 body parts per day. Legs every day. They don't kick as much as the Jr's but they do put in about 1000 kick per day.

This training is only for our competition team.

I would say add more kicks. Both air, target, and bag. Tons of doubles and triples (running kicks we call them).

I was amazed to see these little kids do this training. Brutal stuff to me. I can't do it (to old I guess :shrug:). I had my son take the class and his skill increased 10x.

Add more kicks and have fun.
I would add alot more kicks and footwork drills. Alot of schools call them line drills. You need to have great footwork to be effective in TKD.
Yes footwork and speed are very important as well as anaerobic activity. A few good things you can add, is get a cinder brick and do some drills with that. You can do step-ups, jumping 2 feet over it, 1 leg touching the other knee exercise back and forth, do these all for at least a minute then take a minute break then repeat. Also a good drill is to run on the spot trying to get your knees high in the air, do intervals, 2 mins/break, 1:30/break, 1:00/break....and so on