Senior Master
Of course it can be used that way - Its a matter of how You use it.Ours (Isshin-Ryu) is a snap kick intended (as I am taught) to collapse the pelvic bone; thus it penetrates and it not intended to lightly brush the genitalia of the opponent. The fact that the wedding tackle is damaged when the kick is thrown properly is simply incidental; it is not the target, it's just in the way of the target. There are many people, including those who are drunk or stoned, who can withstand a solid kick to the snarglies. Not many can continue to walk if the pelvic bone snaps. At least, this is how we are taught to deliver the mae geri. We also have a mae konate, which is a heel thrust kick. Looks similar to some, but it is delivered with the heel rather than the ball of the foot, and it is intended more as a 'get away from me' strike (again, as I understand it). It is delivered at or above the obi.
A Front Kick is by all means a Primary Kick, with the Ball of the Foot. Its just not used that way much these days.
Front Heel Kicks are great Pushes, but dont deliver much Impact Power.