Senior Master
I have never had a doctor tell me this. Staying off the foot makes the pain worse? So what about the pain you were feeling when you were walking around on it, and it got bad enough to go see the doctor?
Sometimes I wonder about doctors. I went to one because of really bad back pains. I literally had trouble walking and the pain would bring me to my knees. The doctor was a specialist and he told me that I had a degenerative spine disease and that's what was causing my pain. He said I would need surgery in order to provide relief. One night my back got so bad that I slept on the floor and woke up feeling better, so I bought a new mattress and the back pain went away. Turns out my mattress was the cause of the pain.
Sometimes I think doctors get into their little boxes so much that it doesn't occur to them that something else may be going on other than what's in their specialty knowledge
I think it was a matter of that my foot had already pretty much healed, but I was still keeping it motionless for too long after. So it'll just stiffen up and get more painful as it needed rehab. I think initially I needed to keep off it, but after a certain amount of time it's a bit detrimental. Of which, I was not aware that it was at that point and now okay to start working it more. So it's really unfortunate.. but hopefully now I can get some relief.
Ah wow... yeah it's a tricky one. I'm sure there are many misdiagnoses (like I'vealready experienced before), but there are so many variables to take into account it's hard to pinpoint it just with one modality I reckon. In my case with the pelvic pain issues, all of their diagnoses were what they were trained in, so it's all they knew. There was no collaboration between the hospital and pelvic pain clinics so there was just no scope for looking outside the box.