Mmmm..... had a call saying the results were already in from the CT scan, that was fast! But the plot thickens...
So yeh CT scan also showed a small avulsion fracture at the top of the foot in between two other bits and bone fragment :s. So basically... have to get a cast put on asap. Then physiotherapy after a little while with that on. What an interesting turn of events...
I also asked her if it would need a surgical procedure to remove the bone fragment but she wouldn't think it would be needed.
I'm currently not working anyway so that's not an issue, but was currently looking for work haha, may have to find a very very stationary job if it exists haha, any suggestions? Toll booth operator? A very specific type of street performer? XD
And... was the gold medal at the tournament and everything that it symbolized and meant to me worth all this?
........... abso-freakin-lutely
(I really needed some perspective right now, so I'm feeling at peace with alot of it)
That being said, I'm going to go do chinups and dips now. This time'll also give me a chance to work on my left leg pistol squats ;D
Ah here was the ct result paper