Rocky Mountain Oysters


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana

For years now I've known of "Rocky Mountain Oysters," which are the testicles of a pig, bull, or other farm animal fry cooked in a pan and eaten by people.

Over the years I've run into a number of people who claim to have eaten them, smacked their lips and grinned (an evil grin, I might add) and commented on how good they were. I always wondered if they were lying.

Yesterday my wife and I were at the "Butcher Block," our towns most excellent resource for meat...and damned if I didn't see frozen pigs testicles.

I bought them.

The butcher acted as if I was demented.

In looking for a recipe I came across several sites I thought I'd share. They're rather...interesting.

I've always been one of those people who prides himself on eating just about anything. Rattlesnake, octopus, squid, pig intestines, tripe, liver, heart, sweetbreads, kidneys...but never this.

When I cook them up, I'll let you know how it goes.


Cook them?? Eat them?? Steve, what are you thinking?? Just preserve one and use it as a prosthetic for the one you lost!!! Now THAT'S thinking!

My old man's aunt hunts with her father and it's the first thing she does - whack them puppies off and fry them in butter. Swears she loves them. Now that's a woman with balls. Me, I'm perfectly happy with my husband's in the jar.
Around here, young bull calf testicles are referred to as prairie oysters. Personally, I'd never, ever, ever eat that stuff, but a few of my buddies grew up on them and, apparently, the testosterone in them will give you a real rush. I take their word for it.
oh. my god.

I don't believe that.

(what did you think? I think you get rep points just for eating something so gross when you werent even on fear factor)


or maybe not because aparently I have to spread some more around.
ah well not like you needed it.
Haven't tried 'em yet, guys. Maybe tonight.

I confess, every time I think of it, I feel slightly nauseated.

Were those links not a hoot?


Dude. i get quesy just thinking about it!

Well, nuts to you
I'm sure they taste just fine
previous comments removed for good taste.... good taste that has nothing to do with recipes for Rocky Mountian Oysters.


I want visual documentation of this, so if you have a digital camera, please take pictures. LOL.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to vomit...
Flatlander said:
apparently, the testosterone in them will give you a real rush.
I wonder if this is true? I think it is true that you can take testosterone orally, but is it effective after it's been cooked?
I believe hormones will remain in food items, so eating testicles should give you a jolt of testosterone.

Steve, you do *really* need more testosterone? I think it's cool you're trying new foods, but hey, you already radiate it like a glow!
I guess you could say that Dan was "On the ball" with grabbing that sig line ....
In nearly every culture there is a food that will not be eaten. And in nearly every culture there is a food that will be eaten. Yet as we've learned on many animals there are few parts that cannot be eaten. It is how we have grown up and what we are taught as children of what is and isnt' good to eat. Tribes of Africa and South America and Austrailia have shown us that insects are edible and even considered a delicacy. Yet here in America do we see canned Beetles or other "bugs"? In the city the thought of eating chitlins (pork intestines) turns many stomachs, yet when I was raised in the woods of Tennessee I was sat down to a plate of them. Didn't like it but primarily because the thought of it was so gross. Same with calf brains in Texas and other south western states.
The orient is famously (joked) for eating cats and dogs.

It is our minds that make us go eww, gross, sick, yuck. But food is food, protein is protein, so obviously we have to condition our selves to eat whatever is before us else we starve. But as long as there are alternatives we will choose that which we find to be suitable to our own personal palates.
The willingness to try when there is no need says a lot about a person.

The stuff on Fear Factor however while shows that we can consume things like rotten fish guts and pureed maggot shakes... there is no real need. Or is there?
They're actually pretty popular around my area...couple of Rocky Mountain Oyster fry's a year....But I never had the cajones to try them...
Worked for a doctor a few years back that took us to "The Prairie Oyster Cafe"

She ordered the Prairie oysters. The poor waiter tried to explain what they were... she wouldn't listen to him, swept his "do you know what they are?" questions off without a thought, told him she knew what she wanted and who was he to tell her...

funny shade of green she turned when he presented them to her and she finally listened... very hard not to laugh in my bosses face, it was. ;)