Road rage

If you’re stuck in a spot you can’t drive out of and the other person gets out of their car, unbuckle your seatbelt. If stuff hits the fan, at least you’re not locked into a seat. There’s no way to duck when you’re buckled in.
have you ever tried to punch a car side window in ?? it's a very quick way to a broken hand
Back in the '80's I was obsessed with Jeeps. CJ's mainly. They had a flat windshield that was surprisingly easy to break/chip. Usually caused by the person 4-wheeling in front of you kicking up a rock. A few time after a windshield had been chipped, in a fit of rage I would punch the windshield and could essentially shatter it where the punch landed. A windshield is safety glass so they stay intact. Not a smart idea to smash the windshield right in front of the drivers seat since it is hard to see driving home.
Side windows are convex, they bow out. Makes them much harder to break. Yeah, I found that out the hard way. ;)
Seen it done, and if you cant reverse or move either direction a blunt object can be applied to break it.

And then motorcyclists wear Armour usually, so if you get into a issue with them, any good one usually has some padded gloves on. And i think a lot of contention is usually had with them. And then adrenaline does some weird things sometimes. Here is one video of it happening:

@drop bear See now both of those are good and i think are taught in defensive driving classes. Reverse parking has the better advantage of being able to drive away quicker as you acing the direction in which you will leave the parking spot and you also have better viability through your front window. At least in plenty of situations its probably better to reverse park. (if you can anyway)
What I took out of the video is how fast it all happened. Wish the video had been longer.
Not sure why the cyclist was so far to the center of the street though.
One definite suggestion: don't go home while they are or could be around. You don't want to lead them to (or even near) your house.

Except if it happens right outside your house...

Fair enough, but what happened to provoke the other person into following you into a parking lot? If they are attacking you for other motives (robbing) it is no longer road rage related.

The inciting incident can often be in a parking lot. Contested parking spot, confusion over right-of-way through the driveways....
Except if it happens right outside your house...

Even then, weight it up with giving away where you live, or driving to a police station or the like. Obviously unless you literally pull into your drive or something like that, consideration you should make anyway. and then what good would it do if you run to your house and dont have anyone in there to help or any weapons? they might just pursue you and kick your head in inside your own house.
Makes sense to me since the window would be wrapped in the frame.

Semi brain fart moment, i forgot what closed meant for car windows for a second there, but they might be more homogeneous if they are fully closed, you only need to compromise it slightly then the window is shattering anyway. By merit of, you cant lever it as easily.

If it partly down you can lever it by pushing it (or punching) against the frame, or you can pull it towards you after you grab it. Obviously i have seen more videos of police break the windows by pulling it towards them if they have their hands/fingers in there, but you can lever something either way.

It might be more valid for some cars, they are all made differently and each country has separate standards and even then some go out of their way to surpass them some get by on the bare minimum. Im hardly a engineer, but by above logic of there being no real lever to aid you in compromising it, makes sense.

Sorry for double post, in regards to the video, its all i could find on that incident. Shame more things like that arent published really, no idea who made it first or even if that was the original or not. There is how ever a video of someone doing the street fighter bonus level of destroying a car in real life, where he punches the windows out i think. On the topic of that, here it is:

skipped a little of the intro though as it was just a clip from the game.

Addendum: correction he kicks out the side windows barring one.
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Semi brain fart moment, i forgot what closed meant for car windows for a second there, but they might be more homogeneous if they are fully closed, you only need to compromise it slightly then the window is shattering anyway. By merit of, you cant lever it as easily.

If it partly down you can lever it by pushing it (or punching) against the frame, or you can pull it towards you after you grab it. Obviously i have seen more videos of police break the windows by pulling it towards them if they have their hands/fingers in there, but you can lever something either way.

It might be more valid for some cars, they are all made differently and each country has separate standards and even then some go out of their way to surpass them some get by on the bare minimum. Im hardly a engineer, but by above logic of there being no real lever to aid you in compromising it, makes sense.

Sorry for double post, in regards to the video, its all i could find on that incident. Shame more things like that arent published really, no idea who made it first or even if that was the original or not. There is how ever a video of someone doing the street fighter bonus level of destroying a car in real life, where he punches the windows out i think. On the topic of that, here it is:

skipped a little of the intro though as it was just a clip from the game.

Addendum: correction he kicks out the side windows barring one.
hmm, at least in some aspects that car has been pre weakened. as he has definitely weaken some aspects, then it uncertain if he has weaken all of them. go to the scrap yard and try and RIP a bonet( hood for our american friends) off with you bare hands. youl still be there at xmas
I don't know how factual this is; A Car & Driver article said car windows and doors are designed such that the window has much more safety when the window is completely closed. Makes sense to me since the window would be wrapped in the frame.

It is very difficult to punch in most modern car side windows. However, with a spark plug, it takes so little pressure you can do it accidentally. A lot of bikers carry broken spark plug for that particular reason, I hear.
I get the feeling some of them might not work so well if they pull a weapon or punch your side window in. You don't really want to be trapped in a car and if you cant drive away you are basically stuck in your car. (presuming no firearm)

Presuming no one snuck up on me, I don't believe I would let anyone get that close to my vehicle while they were on foot.

You can generally drive away. It might oblige you to make a speed bump of an angry idiot who doesn't realize cars are bigger than people, but hey.
Semi brain fart moment, i forgot what closed meant for car windows for a second there, but they might be more homogeneous if they are fully closed, you only need to compromise it slightly then the window is shattering anyway. By merit of, you cant lever it as easily.

If it partly down you can lever it by pushing it (or punching) against the frame, or you can pull it towards you after you grab it. Obviously i have seen more videos of police break the windows by pulling it towards them if they have their hands/fingers in there, but you can lever something either way.

It might be more valid for some cars, they are all made differently and each country has separate standards and even then some go out of their way to surpass them some get by on the bare minimum. Im hardly a engineer, but by above logic of there being no real lever to aid you in compromising it, makes sense.

Sorry for double post, in regards to the video, its all i could find on that incident. Shame more things like that arent published really, no idea who made it first or even if that was the original or not. There is how ever a video of someone doing the street fighter bonus level of destroying a car in real life, where he punches the windows out i think. On the topic of that, here it is:

skipped a little of the intro though as it was just a clip from the game.

Addendum: correction he kicks out the side windows barring one.

hmm, at least in some aspects that car has been pre weakened. as he has definitely weaken some aspects, then it uncertain if he has weaken all of them. go to the scrap yard and try and RIP a bonet( hood for our american friends) off with you bare hands. youl still be there at xmas
Regardless, he still beat the crap out of a metal car. I wondered if he had his legs wrapped up to avoid cuts.
Brits can only have a sock with a bar of soap in it and sharp pencils.

In a self defence situation we are legally allowed to use anything to hand, and use reasonable force to defend ourselves or others, reasonable means what it needs to mean up to and including killing the attacker. Some find a 6 foot narwhal tusk does the job, this was not just to protect but to also apprehend an attacker who had already killed. That person is being awarded a civil honour for bravery so don't think us Brits are ever unarmed.
In a self defence situation we are legally allowed to use anything to hand, and use reasonable force to defend ourselves or others, reasonable means what it needs to mean up to and including killing the attacker. Some find a 6 foot narwhal tusk does the job, this was not just to protect but to also apprehend an attacker who had already killed. That person is being awarded a civil honour for bravery so don't think us Brits are ever unarmed.

I had to look that one up (was not familiar with Narwhal(e)). I give Mr. Frost big Kudos for the awareness to find a very non-typical weapon from his environment in short order.
I had to look that one up (was not familiar with Narwhal(e)). I give Mr. Frost big Kudos for the awareness to find a very non-typical weapon from his environment in short order.

It's brilliant isn't it! There were two on the wall of the Fishmongers' Guild Hall where the stabbings took place, he took one down and ran after the attacker. Another chap took a fire extinguisher, spraying it in the attackers eyes. All the people who stopped the attacker were so brave, he had a 'suicide vest' on which they only knew later was fake. The police came and shot him dead because they also didn't know it was fake, which frankly is fine in just about all our eyes though a few thought he should have just been arrested. ( imagine an eye rolling emoji here from me)
In case people want to see it ( the chap taking the knife away is a off duty policeman)
though I've had people follow me of the road to make their point, that ive delayed them so much that their prepared to waste another 10 mins arguing about it. they tend to change their mind when I leap out and they see how big I am and I'm armed with half a pool cue

Probably the skinny end of the cue, and you use it with proper whippy hand & wrist action escrima style, eh?

Nahh, probably not. Agree witht he point about people perceiving being delayed in getting where they are/were going... and then extending their delay just so they can complain about it. It doesn't make sense to me.
Sorry, but someone has to say it "Is that a Narwhal tusk or are you just happy..." sincere apologies. My inner 15 year old boy sometimes still overpowers me.
Drive around in full uniform with your black belt on, then a road rager might think twice about getting agressive. :)

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