Rmur mill about Poomsae


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
I hear though some rumor mills that the more powerful GM are getting together to bring out a new set of Poomsae's that is more realistic for today SD type of scenirio? Has anybody else heard anything they would like to share?
I haven't heard anything about this, but that would be very exciting.
What ever happened to those new definitely-not-realistic poomsae?
I haven't heard anything about this, but that would be very exciting.
What ever happened to those new definitely-not-realistic poomsae?

Good question, Lauren.

The idea of a new set of poomse that really stresses the CQ content of TKD's combat repertoire is very exciting indeed—almost in the 'too good to be true' zone. I hope we hear more about this very, very soon...
Exile, just out of curiosity, how many years have you practiced taekwondo and what level have you reached?
Well, I don't see the point in designing yet another set of forms, especially if it's done by a committee of people who haven't exactly made SD their #1 focus in the last 20 years or so. We've already seen what happens when hyung are designed by committee and IMO the results are uninspired as are the official applications taught within them.

I would rather see hoshinsul given emphasis if one is talking about making TKD more self-defense oriented.
Exile, just out of curiosity, how many years have you practiced taekwondo and what level have you reached?

Exile can speak for himself, but I question the relevance of your query. We've all participated enough on MT to know that some of the most profound posts come from those relatively inexperienced in MA, if not life. And some of the most pompous and factually incorrect came from those highly ranked in their art.

One of my training partners is ranked lower than I am, but I have no problems greeting him first or showing him respect. He's had a successful business career and offers his considerable knowledge and experience freely. It's amazing how much life experience carries forward into the dojo.
I hear though some rumor mills that the more powerful GM are getting together to bring out a new set of Poomsae's that is more realistic for today SD type of scenirio? Has anybody else heard anything they would like to share?

Did you or anyone else hear this at the seminar last weeked in Dallas? I'll try to find out what I can on this.
Exile can speak for himself, but I question the relevance of your query. We've all participated enough on MT to know that some of the most profound posts come from those relatively inexperienced in MA, if not life. And some of the most pompous and factually incorrect came from those highly ranked in their art.

Though I can agree with you on this, sometimes knowing a person's background helps us better understand their point of view on their posts. Example: Exile may have only done 5 years of TKD but then switched to BJJ for the past 30 years and from that sees major flaws in TKD's SD curriculum. (Again...just an example). I don't think YM had any ill will in his question...at least I hope not.
Though I can agree with you on this, sometimes knowing a person's background helps us better understand their point of view on their posts. Example: Exile may have only done 5 years of TKD but then switched to BJJ for the past 30 years and from that sees major flaws in TKD's SD curriculum. (Again...just an example). I don't think YM had any ill will in his question...at least I hope not.

Years of experience and rank means nothing without further qualification. A common MA saying goes something like this, "Did you practice for 30 years or did you repeat 1 year 30 times?"

At this point I don't believe the ranking system means anything to me if a person in question is not connected to me in some way. I've seen too many 7th dan posers to automatically give rank any further thought at all. When my teacher chooses to promote me, I will appreciate it and feel honored, but only because my teacher thought enough of me to award it. I certainly would not expect someone outside my MA line to think anything of it since for all they know my black belt could have been earned playing tiddlywinks.
Years of experience and rank means nothing without further qualification. A common MA saying goes something like this, "Did you practice for 30 years or did you repeat 1 year 30 times?"

At this point I don't believe the ranking system means anything to me if a person in question is not connected to me in some way.

I'm not talking about rank...I'm talking about background and experience. I could care less if he is a 10th dan or a 10th kyu. However, it is good to know what perspective a person is speaking from.
I'm not talking about rank...I'm talking about background and experience. I could care less if he is a 10th dan or a 10th kyu. However, it is good to know what perspective a person is speaking from.

YM clearly asked what level Exile was...he likely meant rank.
Yes it does matter. You can have all the opinions in the world regarding whether Taekwondo is headed in the right direction. But if you are a 1st Dan with 5-6 years experience, I hardly think that qualifies you to speak as an authority on the Art. There are lots of people with just a high school diploma who think they know what's wrong with the world and how to solve it. Those guys are a dime a dozen. And even if he had 30 years experience in BJJ, that's irrelevant to the state of Taekwondo and the creation of new forms. Great for him but irrelevant.
Sorry about steering the thread off course by the way.
I haven't heard anything about this, but that would be very exciting.
What ever happened to those new definitely-not-realistic poomsae?

I wonder the same thing about those forms. There was no mention of them at the Hanmadang this year. One would think that they would if they were the KKW's latest thing. I have a feeling they will be buried & forgotten. Beyond the American XMA'ers & Korean college TKD students, I don't see this catching on with most Kukki-TKD folks.
But if you are a 1st Dan with 5-6 years experience, I hardly think that qualifies you to speak as an authority on the Art.

And yet we've entrusted the White House to a 1 term senator with decidedly less experience than his opponent. Time will tell on Obama, but I disagree strongly with your premise. One does not need to be an expert on the practice of taekwondo to discuss or formulate policy on the future of taekwondo. In fact, I understand some of the past administrative leaders within the WTF were not strong martial artists in their own right, but they certainly shouldered the load for running the organization?
Exile, just out of curiosity, how many years have you practiced taekwondo and what level have you reached?

Six years. Black belt. And this is relevant to my comment&#8212;about how exciting new SD-oriented hyungs would be&#8212;in exactly what way??

(For the record, YM seems to be troubled that I might make the comment

The idea of a new set of poomse that really stresses the CQ content of TKD's combat repertoire is very exciting indeed&#8212;almost in the 'too good to be true' zone. I hope we hear more about this very, very soon...

after only the amount of experience and rank that I have. He seems to think that my expression of excitement at this prospect involves a claim to be speaking as an authority on the art. As in, my excitement at the prospect of a small, cheap, clean fusion reactor means that I'm speaking as authority on nuclear engineering. Or as in, my excitement at the prospect of organ regeneration makes means I'm speaking as authority on genetic biosynthesis. Or my excitement about the next solar eclipse means I'm speaking as an authority on astronomy. Or... well, you get the idea! :lol:)

I'd be grateful if YM, or anyone else, could clarify the thinking behind his query to me in connection with this statement... ;) Meanwhile, a general suggestion: if people object to something they read, they'd do best to present a cogent argument against it. They shouldn't try to pull rank. As many people have learned to their chagrin, MTers tend to ridicule them when they do that. Just a suggestion to anyone whom the shoe fits. :)
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Yes it does matter. You can have all the opinions in the world regarding whether Taekwondo is headed in the right direction. But if you are a 1st Dan with 5-6 years experience, I hardly think that qualifies you to speak as an authority on the Art. There are lots of people with just a high school diploma who think they know what's wrong with the world and how to solve it. Those guys are a dime a dozen. And even if he had 30 years experience in BJJ, that's irrelevant to the state of Taekwondo and the creation of new forms. Great for him but irrelevant.
Sorry about steering the thread off course by the way.

Six years. Black belt. And this is relevant to my comment—about how exciting new SD-oriented hyungs would be—in exactly what way??

Sorry to stick my nose in where it may not belong, but I couldn't help noticing this exchange.

Martialtalk is a discussion forum, topically focused on Martial Arts of all types. People from all backgrounds and skill sets and levels are welcome here to join in the discussion, as long as they join in a respectful manner.

Suggesting that someone's opinion is out of place or even worthless because they haven't put in enough years or obtained a high enough rank is silly, plain and simple. Bob Hubbard may as well shut down Martialtalk altogether then, because it's chock-ful of low ranking individuals with just a few short years or less of training, all engaging in discussions here. I suppose they all don't deserve to have, much less express, their opinions on the topics here.

If discussions of this nature were reserved for those of a 5th dan or higher or equivalent ranking or some other such silliness, the discussions would be pretty dead indeed.

Exile has shown himself to be one of the more intelligent and dilligent contributors here on Martialtalk, over and over. In spite of the few years and (relatively) low rank he has achieved, I have a tremendous amount of respect for what he has to say here, particularly when it comes to his art of Tae Kwon Do, which I myself know little about and have not studied.

I've seen the results of the research and questioning that Exile does on TKD, and it is impressive. He is a true student of the art, searching for deeper meaning and striving to bring not only himself, but the art itself up to the highest quality possible.

Exile's opinion here on Martialtalk carries tremendous relevance.

after only the amount of experience and rank that I have. I'd be grateful if YM, or anyone else, could clarify the thinking behind his query to me in connection with this statement... ;) )

I agree, perhaps Youngman can shed some more light on his query. If he just wanted some perspective on Exile's thoughts, that is one thing. But it may be that he owes Exile an apology.

These are my thoughts as a lowly shodan and member of Martialtalk.
YM clearly asked what level Exile was...he likely meant rank.

Sorry...I was just referring to my statement in my last post. I actually agree with you on this whole thing. My only thing I have against Exile is he uses too many fancy words. :p Dictionary.com is going to start charging me soon. ha.ha..ha..
Exile may have only six years of official training but he is a student of the Art with research that backs up alot of what he says, my only problem is his verbal communication for us hicks out here in the wi fi land. Go Exile.
And yet we've entrusted the White House to a 1 term senator with decidedly less experience than his opponent. Time will tell on Obama, but I disagree strongly with your premise. One does not need to be an expert on the practice of taekwondo to discuss or formulate policy on the future of taekwondo. In fact, I understand some of the past administrative leaders within the WTF were not strong martial artists in their own right, but they certainly shouldered the load for running the organization?

And yet, one of the primary problems that the Kukkiwon had to deal with for years was the fact that the President did not practice Taekwondo. In other words, very high ranking men who did practice had to submit their students' applications for Dan and advanced Dan to be signed by a man who did not practice.
I respect Exile's right to an opinion. However, the fact that he feels qualified to comment on the state of Taekwondo and where it should be heading when he has practiced for six years and holds merely a 1st Dan makes it very hard for me (and I'm sure others) to take his opinions seriously. The fact that he happens to be a moderator for MT is totally irrelevant btw.
I'm glad he has shown such an interest in MA history and culture, as have I. The fact remains, however, that he is a 1st Dan with six years experience. In any legitmate Taekwondo organization that I can think of, he wouldn't even be allowed to judge.
I respect Exile's right to an opinion. However, the fact that he feels qualified to comment on the state of Taekwondo and where it should be heading when he has practiced for six years and holds merely a 1st Dan makes it very hard for me (and I'm sure others) to take his opinions seriously.

Well I'm only a KKW certified 2nd dan. So my opinoins don't hold any water either? What rank does one have to be for their opinoin to be qualified?