Rifleman opens fire before festival at Granada Hills church


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
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L.A. Times

A rifleman angered by a custody dispute with his ex-girlfriend opened fire at a parish school festival in Granada Hills this morning, wounding the woman and two other fairgoers before being tackled by bystanders and arrested by an off-duty police officer, authorities said.

Glad to see people willing to do what is necessary to end the threat.
Quick thinking and I'm guessing just an overall feeling of being sick and tired of these "lone gunmen" taking their issues out on innocent people.
Holy crap, that's only a few miles away from my house! One of the branches of our dojo is in that town.
gee...to bad someone couldn't have stopped him sooner...oh wait, CA doesn't like to let people carry guns.

Kudos to the people that had the guts to deal with him.
What is the first rule of a gunfight?

Have a gun.

While it was brave and well done for the unarmed bystanders to take action, many times that results in those same bystanders dieing.

Yes I know in California it's very hard to get a CCW in many counties (it's at the Sheriff's descresion: I.E. if he feels you don't need a gun, (or havn't paid enough into his re-election campain), then no CCW.

But the fact is here have been several lone gunmen who either surrenederd to legaly armed civilians, or have died at their hands (as happened in Colorado, Georgia, and Mississippi to name a few.)

I love the martial arts, but I'm realistic. The gun is a better tool if some nut tries to shoot up the place.

Los Angeles has issued very few CCW (unless your a high profile politician, actor, or have connections). If you go to the LA Sheriff website you will have to jump through a few hoops to even find the CCW page.

Orange County under the last sheriff made CCW pretty easy (he also got fired for corruption and there's a court hearing still in progress). You need to be 21, U.S. Citizen, and no criminal record. The Orange County CCW page is one click away under Misc Service. Not sure how the current acting sheriff will deal with CCW permits. Your good cause usually goes through according to people who post on the gun forums.

Difference of Point of View in CCW

The two guys that initially tackled the rifleman were indeed brave. They knowingly risk their lives to save others from a goof.

From the video...

Baca: "We issue permits to people who have been the victim of a violent crime." What about the fact that having a gun might have prevented the crime?

"We also issue them to retired FBI agents, retired police-officers, and judges currently sitting on the bench, along with other public officials who have been threatened." Apparently the rest of us are not important enough to have the means to protect ourselves.

"Our (L.A. County) total number of permits is under 500 and I think that's a reasonable figure." How is that "reasonable?" He goes on to say that there are only 2,000 permits in Orange County and that he has not seen any impact on crime. Well I wonder why? 2,500 out of several million? My county only has about 250k and there are more permit-holders than that.
give them a medal and tell em next time to make sure they cripple the bastard!!! should leave them alive if you got the time for interrogation. But maximum force is both legal and should be encouraged in such cases!!!! If the ******* or his family tries to sue they should be charged criminally with aiding and abetting after the fact and accessory after the fact to the shooting and any murders or attempted murder charges!!

Oh if it was rounds addressed to the crowd in general, the Capital Crime of Terrorism should be added and pressed!