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i know this goes on everywhere. there are MAers (immature) out there who like to start trouble. they take advantage of their skills. i know of one guy who is a TKD practitioner and fakes kicks to people he doesnt know. he ticks people off to the limit of fighting. and he also is constantly bragging.

i have friends who take muay Thai who he constantly bother. hes always tryying to compare the two. i was wondering if there should be a restriction on who is allowed to enter class.

do u agree?
this is just my opinion
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

i know this goes on everywhere. there are MAers (immature) out there who like to start trouble. they take advantage of their skills. i know of one guy who is a TKD practitioner and fakes kicks to people he doesnt know. he ticks people off to the limit of fighting. and he also is constantly bragging.

i have friends who take muay Thai who he constantly bother. hes always tryying to compare the two. i was wondering if there should be a restriction on who is allowed to enter class.

do u agree?
this is just my opinion
Well, it depends.

There are restrictions for private or full-time schools. For many other schools, people do it for a living so therefore, must accept every student.

Don't bother with him. My guess is that he isn't even that good a fighter, probably learning a few forms in a McDojang in the watered-down sport style. Let him brag, he will be found out sooner or later.
If he wants a fight
Tell him to start MMA
He will get 1.

If he is troubleing U
Well only U know whats best for U.
Originally posted by MartialArtist

Well, it depends.

There are restrictions for private or full-time schools. For many other schools, people do it for a living so therefore, must accept every student.

Don't bother with him.

I disagree about having to accept a student simply because you're doing it for a living. Granted, you are probably less picky, but I would never accept someone that was overly aggressive or who I knew would fight. Probably what's happening is that he has a dual personality, the pristine student in the school, and the hell raiser outside.

I agree to just not bother with him. It's an ego trip to try to get a reaction. Pure and simple. It's the same posturing that most bullies go through, just to show that they are top dog. If nothing else, just let him know that he's making an a$$ of himself and hope he gets the message.

instructors who teach for a living do not have to accept all students. however, most do, because they're afraid of discrimination lawsuits...

however, if there's a student with a bad attitude, there are many things instructors can do to encourage them to leave.
My opinion and is that this practitioner in a person llhat like attention I personaly would gear a class in a nonchalant way showing him what he really dose not know and if that dosen't work make the dog SIT...
He needs to get in the ring and spar full contact with some of those Muay Thai guys. Honestly I'm surprised about this because it's usually the other way around. Muay Thai guys often feel superior to other arts and talk/act accordingly. theres guys like that in every art though and this TKD guy needs a wake up call , see if you can get him in the ring with a good Muay Thai person.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Talk to the instructor of his dojo. His behavior is totaly unaceptable.

Despair Bear
Talk to the instructor of his dojo. His behavior is totaly unaceptable.

i dont know where he trains at and plus his instructor probably wont take me seriously. being the different age groups
Frankly, I'd stay out of it. If he's not hurting anyone and merely being annoying, let it go. sooner or later, it'll come back and bite him in the **** when he annoys someone he shouldn't. There's no need to go tattling to the instructor. If you trained at the same school, then maybe, but since you don't have any kind of rapport with his instructor, his training really isn't your concern. That's between instructor and student.
As an instructor if I saw someone misbehaving with their training and I knew were to find the instructor I'd tell him. He might appreciate it, or not.

"being the different age groups"

What do you mean about the age groups?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
what i mean by "differnet age groups"

im a high school student
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD [/B][/QUOTE]theres guys like that in every art though

Except in Ryukyu Kempo, coz we are perfect, and we are the best fighters.


Ya its kinda like athletes and coaches at our school.

If a coach see's that a player is getting out of hand and beind disrespectful then they will tell that players coach and the coach will handle it.

If it be making him run/ lift harder/ or do more sprints during practice he makes him do it.

This is good motivation for the athlete to respect the coaches and his teachers.

So if I was an instructor I would to inform the instructor if I could find him of a student who had a bad attitude.
in the majority of these cases the jerk off student is the result of his jerk off instructor. and the teacher's not going to to anything about it even if you go straight to him/her. theres a load of crappy, angry, violent teachers out there (none in CMA of course) that always seem to atract the other jerks in the world. ive even seen perfectly nice, normal people turn sour after a few months with a jackass teacher. one guy even stabbed someone in a bar during an everyday confrontation. he truly never would have done anything like that before spending only 5 or 6 mos. with his jerkoff teacher.
I have to disagree, I mean you're right about jerk off instructors and all but I don't think of it as an absolute. The reason I say this is I do my best to teach honour, respect, integrity, control and all kinds of martial arts traits I think are important to counter the fact that they are basically learning violence and how to hurt people, and yet I have heard of one of my students behaving in a bully fashion outside of class. And this kid was all smiles and nice and respectful in class! He was an older teen and I think he knew how to behave in class to keep me off his back but out of class he was a different person. I kicked him out.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

I have to disagree, I mean you're right about jerk off instructors and all but I don't think of it as an absolute. The reason I say this is I do my best to teach honour, respect, integrity, control and all kinds of martial arts traits I think are important to counter the fact that they are basically learning violence and how to hurt people, and yet I have heard of one of my students behaving in a bully fashion outside of class. And this kid was all smiles and nice and respectful in class! He was an older teen and I think he knew how to behave in class to keep me off his back but out of class he was a different person. I kicked him out.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

True, but I think negative is allot more contagious then posative thinking. You can't expect everyone to be like you as an instructor, but a negative instructor has a bad influence on a student, while I negative student would not normally have an effect on an instructor in the same manner.

Originally posted by theneuhauser

in the majority of these cases the jerk off student is the result of his jerk off instructor. and the teacher's not going to to anything about it even if you go straight to him/her. theres a load of crappy, angry, violent teachers out there (none in CMA of course) that always seem to atract the other jerks in the world. ive even seen perfectly nice, normal people turn sour after a few months with a jackass teacher. one guy even stabbed someone in a bar during an everyday confrontation. he truly never would have done anything like that before spending only 5 or 6 mos. with his jerkoff teacher.
Not quite. I know tons of good teachers with honor and they stress honor like the chivalry. Even in traditional times, there were tons of great masters, tons of bad students.