Renowned Scientist, Martial Arts Instructor Convicted of Molestation of 10 Year Old.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Renowned Scientist, Martial Arts Instructor Convicted of Molestation of 10 Year Old.

Award winning geneticist convicted of molesting his colleague's daughter after weekend Taekwondo lessons beginning when she was 10 years old.

Remember; he's been convicted and has no further presumption of innocence.
I noticed that the article said that the victim was pleased with the outcome; I also noticed that the scuz's lawyer attempted to keep him from jail so he could continue his scientific work - kudos to the judge for not doing it.

I say he becomes the target for target practice - here's a fundraiser: $20/strike, and the money goes to victims' assistance. On the other hand, all that really needs to happen is for a few inmates to discover his crime; they'll take care of the rest.
When the nature of his crime gets out to "population" He'll be fighting EVERYDAY for the rest of his imprisonment or he'll wind up as the Bride of Bubba..
Drac said:
When the nature of his crime gets out to "population" He'll be fighting EVERYDAY for the rest of his imprisonment or he'll wind up as the Bride of Bubba..

He will die in jail...soon. This class of criminal has a high incidence of 'mysterious death'.
This is an awful stituation for MA in general. This poor basraed need to be hung until dead and then shot and re-hung again.
just my opinion.
Did I mention hanging him what a loser
OnlyAnEgg said:
He will die in jail...soon. This class of criminal has a high incidence of 'mysterious death'.

You are so right....
Usually these scum are kept in PC (protective custody) so the other prisoners won't kill them- When I worked in a prison, these criminals ate along in their cells, showered after everyone else was finished (three times per week) and were allowed 20 min. of yard time twice a week after the yard had been cleared.

It's a miserable existence and many of them end up being assaulted by other inmates when the correctional officer who is escorting them "gets sidetracked"... :rolleyes:

Accidents do happen, you know- :jaws:
i say forget prison and hang him by his balls hes been conviced and now its time to carry out justice.... he obviously cant use it properly so hang him till they fall off or he dies whatever comes first. Thing im harsh? i know far to many victems of child moslestation
BrandiJo said:
i say forget prison and hang him by his balls hes been conviced and now its time to carry out justice.... he obviously cant use it properly so hang him till they fall off or he dies whatever comes first. Thing im harsh? i know far to many victems of child moslestation

Make it a public display like they did with hangings in the old days..You are NOT too harsh...
pstarr said:
Nail his balls and peepee to a plank. Leave a dull knife nearby. Set plank on fire....

that would work too
pstarr said:
Nail his balls and peepee to a plank. Leave a dull knife nearby. Set plank on fire....

How is it that someone with the self discipline to make rank in a martial art and apply themselves to scientific study does not have the self discipline to keep himself from doing something that is so obviously and grossly wrong? Unfortunately for the MA this is not an instance where the animal is molesting a child and just happens to be into the MA. This is one of those times where the MA was used as part of the crime. Disgusts me. I really like Dracs idea of making the punishment public. I really believe that too often we get the out of sight out of mind mentality and that by making punishment for crimes like this public the punishment would have a greater element of deterrent for other would-be molesters.
theletch1 said:
How is it that someone with the self discipline to make rank in a martial art and apply themselves to scientific study does not have the self discipline to keep himself from doing something that is so obviously and grossly wrong? Unfortunately for the MA this is not an instance where the animal is molesting a child and just happens to be into the MA. This is one of those times where the MA was used as part of the crime. Disgusts me. I really like Dracs idea of making the punishment public. I really believe that too often we get the out of sight out of mind mentality and that by making punishment for crimes like this public the punishment would have a greater element of deterrent for other would-be molesters.
Before we call for public executions could we not spend just one tenth the cash and attempt to identify "potential" molesters at K through twelve? Just a thought.
Knowing more than few renowned scientists, I can say with certainty that the very worst punishment for this guy will be not allowing him any material from his field, or to do any work-no journals, books,magazines, internet access, censor his letters, nada-make sure that the closest he gets to genetics is the kitchen. If his fellow inmates don't take him out, he will go absolutely nuts from that alone, I guarantee it.