Renegades Martial Talk Challenge - Refer People, Win a Prize!

I had the listing for a schools emails.
Sent out a blank invatation to join after viewing the forum.
Wondering if a Kajukembo(sp) seperate from the kempo (general) would help bring in more people.
I wanted to see more Chinese practictioners maybesome more will join.
Nice Job everyone Lets keep going the month isn't over

Originally posted by tshadowchaser

[BWondering if a Kajukembo(sp) seperate from the kempo (general) would help bring in more people.[/B]

Might this be appropriate as a subforum under a Kenpo-General forum? This is of cousre being discussed there also.
Is there anyway to find out the names of the people who have signed up from our links?
re: Who - not directly, but once things are over and the final tallys posted I may post up the full list. Tally wont be final until I weed out non-validated and any possible duplicate accounts.

Re: Score: :D

Rob_Broad 12
tshadowchaser 10
kickyou 8
Goldendragon7 5
Chiduce 2
thekuntawman 1
Sigung86 1

I just read we were at 425 members has the count changed or have they just surfed in.
Current as of 10pm, 3-24-02

Rob_Broad 16
tshadowchaser 10
kickyou 8
Goldendragon7 5
Chiduce 2
Sigung86 1
thekuntawman 1

For folks interested in ordering the shirts, the pre-order form is now up.

Kool. THis place is definately rocking. If we continue to grow at the rate we are now, we will top 1500 members by year end, and be pushing about 20-30 GB of data monthly.

I'm taking pre-orders until the 1st. If we get enough interest, I may be able to drop the price a few bucks. I'm aiming for 50 shirts, but if we happen to hit 100, then I can knock it down by $2 per shirt.

Latest tallys: 3-26-02

Rob_Broad 16
tshadowchaser 11
kickyou 8
Goldendragon7 5
Chiduce 2
Renegade 2 (doesn't count towards contest)
thekuntawman 1
Sigung86 1

Total new members to date for March = 155!!!!! WOW!

Latest Tally - 1am EST 3-30-02

Username Referral Count
Rob_Broad 17
tshadowchaser 12
kickyou 8
Goldendragon7 5
Renegade 2
Chiduce 2
Pyrael 1
thekuntawman 1
Sigung86 1

Due to the responce to this, We will be running the contest again in April, with the same selection of prizes.

Also, at years end, the person with the most referals will also win a prize, which is TBA.

Thank you everyone for getting the word out and making this place happen.

Domo Arigato.
A great drive for new members.
Unless things change a great deal today I would like to be the first to say nice job Rob-Broad
I just hope that many of the lurkers start posting so many seem to be content just to read ( can't really blame them , a lot to learn and digest) BUT if they would post on subjects they know it would open up more avenues of disscussion.
March contest is now closed. I will announce the winner within the next few days after checking everything out. :)

April contest is now underway. :D

Same prizes as before. Lets hit 600! by May 1st!

Thank you all very much.
I did refer several people but didn't have them use the referral system since I'm not eligible anyway!

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