Renegades Martial Talk Challenge - Refer People, Win a Prize!

Originally posted by Renegade

Mongo like plane!


You guys should see how he gets when there are naked woman about, he is just one big smilie then.
11pm EST 3-14-02
Rob_Broad 5
tshadowchaser 3
Goldendragon7 1
Chiduce 1
Just some mindless trivia to add here.

This is the referals to date (not the totals for March. Those are in my last post)
Rob_Broad 11
Renegade 5
GouRonin 4
tshadowchaser 3
Kaith Rustaz 3
Mao 2
kimura 1
DWright 1
BWright 1
Sandor 1
Kyle 1
Chiduce 1
vincefuess 1
Goldendragon7 1
(Total 36 referals)

This is the new member signup per month
(note, march aint done yet. :) )
March 2002 66
February 2002 51
January 2002 61
December 2001 28
November 2001 46
October 2001 40
September 2001 14
August 2001 38
Hey! I had one!

No I said earlier, I didn't recommend the board to win no shirt. Besides, I'm exempt from that anyway :(

I see we have new members since yesterday, how goes the challenge?
As of 1:16am EST 3-17-02

Rob_Broad 7
tshadowchaser 4
Goldendragon7 1
Chiduce 1
Updated : 3-17-02 4:40PM EST

Rob_Broad 7
tshadowchaser 5
Goldendragon7 2
Chiduce 1

I'll update this as I can.

So far, we're having our best month yet on signups. :)

Thanks to all who are referring people! It's great having so much martial arts knowledge here--we're very fortunate.
It looks like a close race for the contest, and I love the fact that we are adding new members each day.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

It looks like a close race for the contest, and I love the fact that we are adding new members each day.

Agreed! The word is definitely getting out!
So where is everybody standing in the contest, I know it is close between tshadowchaser and myself. As for everybody else whats going on?
Rob Broad,
All I want out of this is to see the Forum grow by haveing intellengent people with knowledge join.The beginners are great to. If and thats is a BIG if i happen to have more people respond I only want a t-shirt (I am going to buy a few anyway) Any other prize Banner whatever I will let the moderators decide who to give it to. If you are the closest I hope its you. If I dont have the most sign up I dont care I'm still buying the shirt.
This is posted to let everyone know my feelings
This is fun seeing new members join I can't wait till they start opening up new threads in diffrent areas.
I am just having fun trying to get more people to get referrals. I like the contest because it will help motivate people, I had 5 referrals before the contest so I know that I have been helping get new members before. Best of luck to everybody who is trying t get new members, and the biggest prize is the knowledge shared by all the new members.
Ah, it's great to see everyone working together! Good luck to everyone! As Rob_Broad and tshadowchaser note, it's the whole group taht benefits by having more knowledge and experience on this board!
Current stats : 11pm 3-19-02

Rob_Broad 8
tshadowchaser 9
Goldendragon7 4
Chiduce 2
thekuntawman 1

Historical reference (Updated) New members per month
March 2002 92 <---- New high Point! :D
February 2002 51
January 2002 61
December 2001 28
November 2001 46
October 2001 40
September 2001 14
August 2001 38

I'm seeing the printer tomorow about the shirts, will update the shirt thread once I have the $ info, and we'll start taking preorders.

Thanks again everyone. MartialTalk is growing beyond all expectations. :)
Current referals 3-1-02 to 3-21-02 11:45 AM

Rob_Broad 11
tshadowchaser 10
Goldendragon7 5
kickyou 3
Chiduce 2
thekuntawman 1

We had quite a few signups last night :) This place is really rockin! :D

10 more days to go.

Current stats as of 12AM EST 3-22-02

Rob_Broad 11
tshadowchaser 10
kickyou 6
Goldendragon7 5
Chiduce 2
Sigung86 1
thekuntawman 1

We're at 399 registered!

I gotta ask, hows everyone getting the word out? This is like a 25% growth rate! :D
I categoricaly deny using any threatening tactics. I categorically deny holding any pets for hostage.

I actually search the martial arts listings in Yahoo, and if I see someone online I send them a message with an invitation to join.

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