Reliable/Good Kyokushin Karate Dojo's in Palo Alto/Mountain View/Sunnyvale

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In that link you sent me of Kyoukushin4life, is it only good dojos? Because my first experience of karate was a fail overpriced mcdojo, and I want to make sure I don't go to another.
Also, is that all the Kkarate places? Because there's none in my area on that link...

I cannot comment on the quality of individual dojos because I've not been to them all, but if they are apart of the KK family one would hope they would keep their standards high or their showings at tournaments would reflect that.

No, that list does not represent all the KK dojos. Just dojos who opted to have themselves listed there. For a more complete listing you would have to look on the KK organization web sites. IKO Kyokushinkaikan - Sosai Masutatsu Oyama - Founder of Kyokushin Karate USA-IFK Kyokushin Karate American Kyokushin Karate Organization Enshin Karate HQ Denver World Oyama Karate – Just Sweat! and lastly, my own organization
I am looking for a traditional karate dojo that teaches no nonsense street effective combat. Like kyokushin or kenpo or shorin ryu. It needs to be in middle Tennessee. Can anyone help me?

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