

Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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I am a level one Usui Reiki practitioner and curious if there are others here who are reiki?
Bob Hubbard said:
What is Reiki?
I was just gonna get around to that. :)

Reiki, literally translated, means "life force" and what we call Reiki healing is the use of the spiritual energy that runs through us and around us.

Most Reiki practitioners use symbols that have been endowed upon them through the process called an attunement where the recipient's energies are balanced and the symbols are sent telepathically to the recipient. Some masters, I hear, will test the process and ask what the recipient saw, and the recipient will draw the symbols they "saw" during the process.

There are many forms of Reiki, and one of the most common is Usui Reiki.

Here's an interesting page on this.
Level 2 reiki user here. I got it while attending a earth energy healing school in Seattle. I'm not gonna explain earth energy, its about chakra's and energy movement. I'll leave it at that.
This is an interesting topic, as Reiki's uses have become a topic of debate hear in Kentucky. For some background, I work with the Massage Therapy board here in Kentucky, and there have been some on-going arguements as to whether or not energy modalities, such as Reiki, should be recognized by such governing boards.

Any thoughts?
I'm a level 2 Reiki practitioner & in MI. the local hospitals are beginning to integrate Reiki, Qigong & Tai chi into their practices for patients.

I got my 1st degree of Usui reiki a few weeks ago.

Have you been treating training injuries with reiki? I'd be interested in hearing some "true stories" etc. I haven't had so far anything bad, but I've skipped migraine meds a few nights when I've felt a possible migraine coming and treated it with reiki - nothing in the morning! :)
I've done the same for my wife, When she has a Migraine I use Reiki & she feels better in a few minutes. It's wonderful.

Though I haven't really tried it on Martial arts injuries, but I will now.

I am interested in this Reiki (霊気). I must admit that I had never really heard of it. The characters that were chosen are very interesting. We all know about ki (気), but rei (霊) is a kanji variant of (靈) which means; sorcerers praying for rain. Use of these words together in Japanese can mean mystery. How do you all learn this practice?

MSUTKD said:
but rei (霊) is a kanji variant of (靈) which means; sorcerers praying for rain. Use of these words together in Japanese can mean mystery.

Rei is used also to mean "soul" or "spirit", in a slightly magical sense (like tennô-rei 天皇霊, literally the spirit of the Emperor, which is the divine spirit that was supposed to descend in the new emperor of Japan during his enthronement rites, thus making him a direct link to the goddess Amaterasu).

As to how it's learned, traditionally by initiations (opening of the reiki channel) from a reiki master. I underwent a weekend seminar with initiations where we were taught the positions for the hands and other practical stuff. There are books that supposedly teach you how to do it, but my PERSONAL opinion is that they are even less useful than books that teach you MA: with the teaching why not and always with a grain of salt, but without the initiation and the oral teachings (that are important, it's a traditional japanese art and they tend to have this kind of things) I don't see how it's going to help.

There's lots of different reiki and reiki lineages out there, so if you're interested I'd suggest trying to find someone who teaches Usui reiki, someone who can give you a clear lineage (japanese art = lineage) and who does keep the practise simple (ie leaves the crystals etc out of the pic). But again this is my opinion, and I've been known to be a purist in some things... :rolleyes: Everyone to their own.

Reiki is more or less an good means for focusing and manipulating your energy patterns. I'm in noooo way a new age type but this stuff has great applications for things in my life. I have an anxiety disorder that makes my life nice and fun with panic attacks hit. I use my reiki to smooth my energy that is going to my brain to reduce the effects of my panic attacks. Also to focus...

Its not bad stuff either. Nothing like a little sei he ki to liven your day when you need it.
I am a researcher of internal healing arts (I hold Internal Arts Accreditation with the World Taiji Boxing Association). I am also a Master Level (Whatever that means!) in Reiki and it's offshoot, Seichim.

Seichim is a more female type energy with many hand movements similar to the martial arts.
My folks did the whole thing a while ago, and have used it many times since. Perhaps I can talk to them about this. I'm finding that my interests are increasingly leaning towards the healing arts. While Wing Chun and Aikido are still of the utmost importance to me, the likes of TCM and TJM are becoming more and more appealing. *Hmmmm*....
Im a level 4 cleric with a +4 mace of...

Oh wait... wrong thread.

This is what you were sending me all the weird hand stuff for back in the day, right Shesulsa?
MSUTKD said:
I am interested in this Reiki (霊気). I must admit that I had never really heard of it. The characters that were chosen are very interesting. We all know about ki (気), but rei (霊) is a kanji variant of (靈) which means; sorcerers praying for rain. Use of these words together in Japanese can mean mystery. How do you all learn this practice?


but rei (霊)

This particular character means Shaman, esp. a female Shaman
Technopunk said:
This is what you were sending me all the weird hand stuff for back in the day, right Shesulsa?
Actually, that was Jin Shin Jiutsu, which I'll start a thread on soon. :)
I just heard about Reiki the other day. The bass player for my favorite band is into it apparently. But where/how do you learn it?