Well....I can't see how it would be a bad thing.
There's a huge difference between not seeing how something can be bad and it being good...
And I can see plenty of ways a licensing program such as you describe can go wrong. Bribery to waive/overlook/provide certifications of meeting the requirements just to begin with. Arguments and disputes over what constitutes a creditable hour; does an hour of solo practice in the gym count towards certification? How do you track that?
In short -- just because something can be done, and might not be bad, doesn't mean it would be good.
'Quality' will always be a subjective evaluation made by the consumer of the service. There are good colleges, so so colleges, elite colleges....and fly by night technical colleges. Nonetheless....State regulations ensures that the students of these entities have some recourse when things go awry. So all I'm looking at is achieving a 'minimum' quality. Let's set the bar so to speak. Frankly...there is no agreed bar at this point..and that has always been part of the problem. Case in point...the recent thread on this message board about an 8 year old black belt and the missing KKW certifications. Granted...that is a civil matter, but maybe if that instructor had been forced to undergo a scrutinization...it might have impacted upon his professionalism and business practices as a whole.
I think background checks are reasonable. They are not intrusive and easily done by every local Sheriff's Office in the country. For a nominal fee (from $2 to $10) a person's background can be easily checked. Every other industry that deals with children had to undergo them...ergo...why I think it is just a matter of time before the MA industry will see regulation. The CPR criteria can't be a bad thing and would ensure a minimum safety competency of those running schools. As to the time requirements and the reporting...I think this will ensure the people involved are looked out. Sometimes...and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.
I'm a cop. Let me tell you how that "small" burden, as you're suggesting it, would work out. You'd file paperwork, the investigating agency would look it over and that'd be about it. And, in some states, the process you seem to be envisioning isn't even legal! (A teacher's "background check" is really just running their fingerprints against the national records, in most cases.) The public, in VA, for example, can only get the criminal history from & with the agency their asking in VA. If you want a "full" criminal history, unless you fall under law enforcement purposes, you need to go to each place they've lived. And, it's only minimally effective to protect kids, as the fact that there remain numerous cases of day care providers and teachers abusing kids despite the various requirements and checks shows. A background check casts only some light on what a person will do, since it only looks at what they've been CAUGHT doing before. There is also the whole issue of paying for someone to do this background investigation... The cops do happen to have a few other things to do...
The market will always dictate who has the successful school. I'm not thinking of anything that would impede that. But I think such measures, as a first step (and that may all that is ever necessary) is a step in the right direction. It can only help teachers regain credibility in the public mind (and lets face it...right now...a martial art teacher is seen as someone who isn't taken very seriously...and martial arts in general are evaluted along the lines of about as reputable as local professional wrestling).
I disagree with this, as well. Many martial arts teachers are respected business men & women in their communities and their schools have solid reputations among the public.
Sure there are those that think their teachers walk on water...but that always isn't a good thing. Just the fact that someone from the outside can come in an take a look will deter the least of our fellows from hanging a shingle and doing more damage to us in general. I don't know that this will ever happen. But I do think it is something we should think about....seriously...and not just reject outright. I would rather martial artists sponsor such an action than it be driven by the rantings of some disenchanted soccer mom motivating a politician to sponsor and pass a bill into law with absolutely no knowledge of what we do, who is doing it and how it will affect all of us.
I'm sure I haven't thought of everything. I think that was why this was supposed to be a good thread for debate. If it never happens...maybe just by us debating it....we'll come up with a plan. If we have been down the road atleast as a mental exercise....it can only make us more knowledgeable about the nuances of being a professional teacher of martial arts and how we might deal with regulatory requirements (no matter who is the regulating authority).
Regulation does not equal professionalism. Boxing is a heavily regulated sport, but it's also (sadly) earned the reputation as sporting's red light neighborhood.
I'm not opposed to any and all governmental involvement in martial arts. I want schools that effectively operate day care programs to be regulated like day care programs, because I've seen some serious and frightening actions in these programs. (Like taking the kids, without parental knowledge, to a neighborhood park, and failing to bring them ALL back to the school, and not even realizing this until the police had found the kid and contacted his parents...)