Recovery Time for MMA after inguinal Hernia surgery


White Belt
Hi to all, I'm a newcome in that forum, i've choosen it because the number or participants. I'm a 5TH degreee Karate black belt ad i train myself every day. Actually I'm 44 and started when i was 6. I've ever loved kumite so i dedicated all my life to combat. Three months ago i've had a knee downside when fighting and that given me a little inguinal hernia. I've stopped training and signed for the surgery because there aren't others remedies.
Asking in that forum if others practicant or martial fighters have had the same problem and how much does it takes for fully restart training hard..I'm really sad to stop my's like breathing for me..
Sorry if that is not the right section...I've not found a different one...
Thank you all for your experiences...
Hi to all, I'm a newcome in that forum, i've choosen it because the number or participants. I'm a 5TH degreee Karate black belt ad i train myself every day. Actually I'm 44 and started when i was 6. I've ever loved kumite so i dedicated all my life to combat. Three months ago i've had a knee downside when fighting and that given me a little inguinal hernia. I've stopped training and signed for the surgery because there aren't others remedies.
Asking in that forum if others practicant or martial fighters have had the same problem and how much does it takes for fully restart training hard..I'm really sad to stop my's like breathing for me..
Sorry if that is not the right section...I've not found a different one...
Thank you all for your experiences...
when it stop hurting your good to go, the main issue is why you got it and will you get another one ? it's a strong tie in with over exertion and or muscle weakness, so some hard q questions about if your training is age appropriate, do you need to not exert yourself as much or do you need to strengthen the abdominal wall or both

there age relate to a large extent and tied particularly to the muscle decay you get as you get older, perhaps you need to calm it down a bit now your getting on.? if you dont change something youl likely do it again
when it stop hurting your good to go, the main issue is why you got it and will you get another one ? it's a strong tie in with over exertion and or muscle weakness, so some hard q questions about if your training is age appropriate, do you need to not exert yourself as much or do you need to strengthen the abdominal wall or both

there age relate to a large extent and tied particularly to the muscle decay you get as you get older, perhaps you need to calm it down a bit now your getting on.? if you dont change something youl likely do it again

Thank you. Quite surely is due to overtraining..hernia has been there out for about 2 years and i've done all training without problems, but this time it seems that the strike i had has stimulated training is good for my age? a good question...i never thought about age...but what i want is to return to do this that you show in the picture. This is what i'm. Without my mawashi geri i can't live..:-( calm it down is very difficult for me...but maybe is the only way to not risk again. It's a very annoying disease..

if you recently, then yoy
Thank you. Quite surely is due to overtraining..hernia has been there out for about 2 years and i've done all training without problems, but this time it seems that the strike i had has stimulated training is good for my age? a good question...i never thought about age...but what i want is to return to do this that you show in the picture. This is what i'm. Without my mawashi geri i can't live..:-( calm it down is very difficult for me...but maybe is the only way to not risk again. It's a very annoying disease..


if that's you recently, then your in pretty good nick for your age,
.if you have had it for two years , it may have been something excessive, you did a long time ago and not directly related to your training , but it didn't happen for no reason , and now there is a hole in your abdominal wall you need to rebuild , so a bit of caution is required ,

in simple terms the first job I'd your abs , is to hold your guts in, so exercise to strengthen your abs seems sensible

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