Recommend A Style

Hi TurboGuy,

I live in Clearwater, FL myself. I would recommend Dark Dragon Kenpo in Tampa near USF. I have been going for about 5 months now. They teach kenpo in a straight to the point manner. Its a pure street fight/self defense style. Class is held once a week on Fridays.

Hope this helps.
On the premise that you would like a style that you can stay with over many years I would take a little time in the first instance to visit as many schools as possible. Most schools will allow one or two free lessons and even those that don't the cost is usually minimal for a couple of lessons.
Things to look for are good atmosphere, attention to detail, enough instructors to supervise the class, training that appeals to you etc. After training have a chat to some of the students. Why did they pick that school? Are they happy with their instruction? Are they growing in their knowledge? Do the rounds, make a short list and revisit the best two or three. Even if that took 10 -12 weeks you have still had that much training and you will have a much better idea of what training is available and what appeals to you the most.
Dnovice style! its efficient not only in stand up and ground fighting but also in the air, underground and underwater. We cover all basis baby;)
i like urban krav maga if you can find a school near you, its got the best parts of krav maga in it but with a focus on real street self protection rather then storming aircraft or whatever.
If you want to focus in street defence, Krav is probably the way to go.
But, I take WTF Taekwondo and I actually think you may like that. If you can find the right school (some only focus on sparring and/or just kicking) I think you would like it. My school mixes some very good self defence, some Hapkido (which would include some wrist lock), sparring, and the regular stand up style.
But, just like everyone else said, you have to make sure you are comfortable with the school, the people in it and the Master.
Good luck! ^_^

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