Reasons to "Just Say No To Obama"

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Found these while looking at an anti-McCain site, again, posted for comment and debunking.

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid: Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama
40 Reasons not to Vote for Barack Obama (not a complete list)

(Above site seems rather nuts to me)

A few reasons not to vote for Obama, from

Example of points made:
# In 2002, voted to defund a Chicago social work office, when criticized by public claimed he pushed the wrong button
# In 1997, voted against an election reform bill, later claimed he pushed the wrong button
# In 2000, voted against a ban on human cloning, later claimed he pushed the wrong button
# In 2000, voted for a gambling measure opposed by church groups, when criticized claimed he pushed the wrong button

(Above site has several bulleted points, no sources cited)

58 reasons not to vote for Obama TRUE? FALSE?
BTW, Snopes is no help on any of the above...

I cannot vote for someone who votes "Present"
I cannot vote for someone who hides and/or lies about who he has and has not been friends and associates have been.
A habit of hitting the wrong button, is this who we want to trust with the launch codes?
Let's look at the first link's fifth allegation--"Obama wants sex education for kindergartners!"

The video provided fades before Obama can justify his legislation...which called for a program that teaches children skills to help them avoid child molestation.

The imitation Obama is doing is the voice of Alan Keyes, whom he ran against for Senator. Keyes used this argument against Obama. It failed for good reason.

It's an issue of framing. Many of us wouldn't mind children learning what is appropriate or inappropriate touching by an adult, where the boundaries lie, or how to report a molestation. However; the way this issue is framed makes it look as if the program was going to teach children the mechanics of having sex.

Framed another way, we could say that vitriol John McCain and Alan Keyes show this bill indicates they are pro-child molestation. Ought we ask why they favor child molesters?

The Republican framing method invalidates their sex education claim by planting an incorrect suggestion of impropriety. This is one of the reasons the press nailed McCain on his ad. It went beyond was overtly deceitful.

Each of the other reasons not to vote for Obama do the same thing. They provide a frame that is invalid. They use quotes out of context and exclude evidence that contradicts the suggestion they hope to implant. This leads the reader to a hasty judgement...or in the case of many, provides them with fallacies for their confirmation bias.

Allegation #10, you'll recall, was answered in the third debate.

I could go on with the other points brought up...but why? Those firmly against Obama will constantly move the goal posts. No amount of debunking will suffice. Any cogent dismantling of these allegations would elicit nothing more than a vehement denial. I'm reminded of a Gunnery Sergeant I once knew, who in speaking of a lance corporal said, "Lieutenant--he's guilty, he's guilty, he's guilty, he's guilty. I don't care if the (expletive) is innocent. He's still guilty!"

Bob, people who seriously buy into these allegations against Obama have made up their mind, and nothing will convince them to the contrary.


A habit of hitting the wrong button, is this who we want to trust with the launch codes?

LOL...took the words out of my mouth.

Luckily....the President doesn't actually have a "button" to push. It's located far underground of many LCF's behind a very big door protected by many folks above ground with automatic weapons and explosive ordinance. :)
So, the rumor that it's in a flip down bust of Lincoln is just movie magic?
I'm so disappointed.
Here is the original L.A. Times article that reported the issue of Obama pressing the wrong button:,1,7079399.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

So on six occasions he either actually hit the wrong button in error, or was looking to placate both sides, as the article suggests. Obama acknowledged the alleged errors at the time the votes were cast, and asked that the record reflect his error. Two of the six were on hotly contested issues.

During his time in the legislature he cast more than 4,000 votes. This is an error rate of .15%.


So, he has shown an unwillingness to be decisive when he will be called on it.
That's a wonderful trait.

Not necessarily. He may have just fumbled them. Note further that he (and all the legislators) register their mistake as it happens. It could well be a fumble. Six out of four thousand is a pretty small percentage. 15% is a pretty teensy percentage.



Congress needs to stop using those Diebold voting systems.

I'll be honest. Obama's ideas on redistributing wealth scare me, even though it will end up in my pocket. But I think it's more out of ignorance on how things should work, and not malice. He's been pretty steady in his campaign, has an almost "Vulcan" aura of unflapabilty, and seems calmer an more stable than McCain. I like his choice of Biden better than I like Palin, who I wanted to like when she was announced.

I don't buy the "terrorist' or "muslim" stuff, and even if they are true (he's friends with a terrorist, and an practicing muslim), I don't care. I don't see a reason to, unless someone can show me that he IS a terrorist.