I'm not quite sure what you're describing. I hit a couple of exits every day. One is the off ramp onto JDearborn/James/Madison going north. The right lane becomes the left exit lane, and another lane joins the freeway and that lane becomes exit only, which splits off just after the exit.
I hope that makes sense. It's a goat screw, and that right lane (that becomes the left exit lane) is the one I need to be in, and it definitely backs up. There are three basic ways to approach that exit. All of this is over a length of just about 1 mile.
- I can stay one more lane over to the left and then try to cut in at the last minute (those are the drivers that really seem to get under your skin).
- I can stay in that left exit lane that gets backed up... and literally see folks jumping in down the road in front of me.
- Or when the new right hand lane opens up that is exit only, I can jump over there and skip down the line, hoping someone will let me back into the left exit lane so that I don't end up down on Rainier Ave.
I've tried all three over the years. Number 1 is the most difficult because people don't want to let you in. I get it. Option 3 isn't too bad, because they are both exit lanes, but it's basically the same as number 1, just coming from the other direction.
Here's the thing. If you and I agree that Option 2 is the "right" way to approach the interchange, what's the practical difference between you and me? I'm going to get there at the same time you do. I'm just going choosing not to get hung up about it, and give the other drivers the benefit of the doubt. We both have baked in assumptions about the other drivers. You presume they're dicks. I choose to presume they're confused boomers who aren't familiar with the area. I will always let them in. No skin off my nose.
And in the end, I get to work at exactly the same time you would. I'm just not ending my drive angry, and I'm not inviting a road rage incident like the one that Monkey Turned Wolf described above. Not the most important thing, but relevant... staying in that slowest lane never costs me more than about 5 minutes. While that seems like a VERY long time sitting in the car watching cars cut in ahead of me, it's literally a maximum of about 5 minutes. I am just not in that much of a hurry most days.
At the end of the day, there's an onramp I take onto I5 South where two lanes zipper merge into one before merging onto the freeway. It's a perfect example of how well things go when folks zipper merge. The lanes always back up a bit, but both lanes move at the same pace and because everyone uses all available lanes, merging only at the end when the two lanes actually combine, no one gets upset. It's fair, safe, and efficient.