That is... so darn cool! Would be really fun and educational to do, and may help understand techniques in your current art even better, as you're applying what you know in a different form and sequence.
I find it interesting, it's not a huge investment but it causes a bit of thinking - like would X move fit or flow better here, which stance or technique is closest there.
Not being 'restricted' by actually studying the art and being expected to perform the kata to book means I can tweak or change it to fit me, instead of trying to make me fit it.
It's probably not something I'd bring up in class though...
just work on it for 10 minutes per week and limit your self to two new movements.
On a personal level, I can't work well like that, it frustrates me...
I do better going from a written description at first (and if there isn't one available or it needs tweaking because it's a 'foreign' art, I'll do my own), then running through the whole thing, maybe video myself doing it - then look at where the mistakes happen

And with stuff I'm importing - sometimes the mistakes aren't an issue at all.
If I can't get something to feel right, or flow right, I can change it or ditch it if I don't feel like fixing it.
It's also happened that I'll start one that seems interesting, then find I don't actually like it, so it gets shelved.
Sometimes it takes 10 minutes a time, sometimes an hour - but I never set a timeframe or schedule for it.