Real Life Superhero arrested for assault

Omar B

Senior Master
From the files of "Everyone saw this coming" a RLSH was arrested for a assult this weekend for breaking up a fight ... the two people were walking each other to their car and talking.

He was charged with assaulting two people who police said were "dancing and having a good time" as they walked to their car."In this particular case, he perceived that this group was fighting and when we contacted them, they said they weren't fighting," said Det. Mark Jamieson, a Seattle Police Department public information officer. "Unfortunately, he used force. He committed a crime, an assault against these individuals. That's against the law."
The police report by Officer Hosea Crumpton said cited a woman who was sprayed saying the four victims "began dancing and frolicking with each other. Suddenly she observed a person ... running full sprint towards her group.

According to Pheonix Jones, the superhero in question, the first thing he did was to have someone call 911. He was being beaten with a shoe in the head by a women. He then witnessed a hit and run, was assaulted again by the woman and a couple of dudes, and then used the pepper spray when he believed himself to be in real danger.

I think the guy's a little looney, but if his side of the story is to be believed, and he's got a lot of video footage online, it looks like a mixed bag to me. Hard to know whether they were fighting when he got there, but they started in on him as soon as he showed up. I think he probably stirred things up and likely, he's a real pain in the butt for the Seattle PD. But at the same time, it looks like the SPD has an axe to grind and they're giving him a hard time.

Interesting story.
WTH, Seattle PD?

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