Puppies Save 3 yr. old... or 3 yr. old Saves Puppies.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Puppies save three-year-old boy lost in freezing Virginia woods

Monday, December 8th 2008, 1:57 PM
Jaylynn Thorpe, 3, with his family.

The two hero puppies who saved Jaylynn's life.

A toddler lost in the Virginia woods was back home safe Sunday thanks to two puppies who kept him warm through a harrowing night of freezing temperatures.
Jaylynn Thorpe, 3, wandered away from his baby-sitter at 4 p.m. Friday and was missing for 21 hours as hundreds of friends, family and law enforcement officials searched for him in the thick woods of Halifax County, fearing the worst.
"The only thing we wanted to do was just keep searching until we found him," Halifax County Sheriff Stanley Noblin told reporters.
Jaylynn's frantic family knew time was not on its side.
"We didn't forget the issue that 17 degrees was almost unbearable," said his father, James Thorpe.
"People all over the State of Virginia was down there looking for that child. For a while there, one time, I didn't know whether they would find him or not," said the child's grandmother and guardian, Katherine Elliot.
Officials said the lost little boy and the two family puppies wandered up to a mile in the dark, even across a highway, but it wasn't until Saturday afternoon that members of the search team found him sitting by a tree, the two puppies nestled against him.
rest of article: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_...puppies_save_threeyearold_boy_lost_in_fr.html
Dunno if the puppies should be credited with hero status after-all they only did what would come naturally... find something/one warm to curl up with. Still, a remarkable story that could've ended in tragedy.
I've been out in sub-freezing temps out in the woods/mountains and it's not fun, no, not by a long shot. Get lost or turned around...
The child was very lucky to have the pups around him (probably saw him as another puppy) and their combined body temps help saved all their lives.
Remarkable story indeed.
It's a great story. Heroes often don't want to be thought of as heroes, so I'd say the puppies qualify for that status.