A Real American Hero

Great example of heroism and doing the right thing. I think there is more of this out there than we know and see. I notice with my local media that they focus about 70% of their coverage on negative events though I know that there are a lot of good people and events happening daily. They choose to not show those things because they aren't sensational.
I don't see where the rest of you are drawing so much hope from.

Yes, Askari deserves very high praise for his brave stand. He's one person. I see 10 others willing to attack Jews solely for offering a different holiday greeting.

That's one hero, but 10 heels.... depressing.
I don't see where the rest of you are drawing so much hope from.

Yes, Askari deserves very high praise for his brave stand. He's one person. I see 10 others willing to attack Jews solely for offering a different holiday greeting.

That's one hero, but 10 heels.... depressing.

Well, I think the conclusion is that there are people around who are so motivated by a sense of fairness and decency that they will act against very intimidating odds to protect people who are being threatened, with no thoughts of sectarian conflicts elsewhere in the world. No sense that there are tribal loyalties which had to be adhered to, dictating that you stand to one side and watch people who haven't done you any personal harm being severely hurt. The fact that there are so many instances where those loyalties seem to trump all other ethical considerations makes stories like this extremely encouraging.

Bigotry and hate are all around us, all the time. But seeing something that runs so counter to that, in such a blazingly simple, direct way... it is something to inspire hope, I believe.
Most people wouldn't have done anything at all. He's a hero. He deserves recognition for it.

Nobody on the thread has disputed Askari's courage or that he sets a worthy example.

But the sad fact is that most people did NOT do nothing at all. Ten out of eleven assaulted the Jews, and that simply over their holiday greetings.

Me, I perhaps will feel encouraged when the odds change to ten heroes for every nut.
Truly inspiring to say the least. As said here, gives that little sparkle of hope that there are still good people out there. Good for him. As stated no religion, no race involved, just one individual helping another.